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Company Data
Kenya Orchards
Par Value:                  5/-
Closing Price:           10.40
Total Shares Issued:          12868124.00
Market Capitalization:        133,828,490
EPS:             0.44
PE:                 23.636

Kenya Orchards reports 6 months through 30th June 2021 versus 6 months through 30th June 2020
HY 2021 Revenue 24.814967m versus 28.329634m
HY Cost of Sales [27.743921m] versus [27.024688m]
HY Gross Profit [2.928954m] versus 1.304946m
HY Admin Expenses [1.379352m] versus [1.443868m]
HY Selling and Distribution expenses [665.871m] versus [438.144m]
HY Finance Costs [246.628m] versus [286.474m]
HY Profit [Loss] before Tax [5.247335m] versus [887.088m]
HY Profit [Loss] after Tax [3.673135m] versus [620.961m]
HY EPS -0.29 versus -0.05
Kenya Orchards Limited H1 2018 results through 30th June 2018 vs. 30th June 2017
H1 Revenue 34.217321m vs. 32.235979m +6.146%
H1 Cost of sales [29.977790m] vs. [29.029105m] +3.268%
H1 Gross profit 4.239531m vs. 3.206874m +32.201%
H1 Administrative expenses [1.736807m] vs. [0.186847m] +829.534%
H1 Selling and distribution expenses [0.823431m] vs. [1.024082m] -19.593%
H1 PBT 1.428032m vs. 1.722464m -17.094%
H1 Profit and total comprehensive income for the year 0.999622m vs. 1.205725m -20.093%
EPS 0.08 vs. 0.09 -11.111%
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year [4.743669m] vs. [1.045508m] -353.719%
Shareholders funds 16.357931m vs. 10.939385m +49.532%

Kenya Orchards Limited FY 2017 results through 31st December 2017 vs. 31st December 2016
FY Revenue 73.691426m vs. 64.586481m +14.097%
FY Cost of sales [60.361981m] vs. [56.607847m] +6.632%
FY Gross profit 13.329445m vs. 7.978634m +67.064%
FY Administrative expenses [4.247659m] vs. [1.882518m] +125.637%
FY Selling and distribution expenses [0.932903m] vs. [0.110827m] +741.765%
FY PBT 7.563669m vs. 5.295028m +42.845%
Basic and diluted EPS 0.44 vs. 0.29 +51.724%
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year [5.320411m] vs. [2.352993m] +126.112%
Shareholders funds 15.413309m vs. 9.733660m +58.351%

H1 Revenue 32.235979m vs. 31.053103m +3.809%
H1 Cost of sales [29.029105m] vs. [27.795187m] +4.439%
H1 Administrative Expenses [0.186847m] vs. [0.553456m] -66.240%
H1 Selling and distribution expenses [1.024082m] vs. [0.496124m] +106.417%
H1 Finance costs [0.239714m] vs. [0.232017m] +3.317%
H1 Profit before tax 1.722464m vs. 1.937640m -11.105%
H1 Profit and total comprehensive income as at 30th June 1.205725m vs. 1.356348m -11.105%
Basic EPS 0.09 vs. 0.10 -10.000%
Shareholders funds 10.939385m vs. 7.381900m +48.192%
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period [1.045508m] vs. [1.081268m] -3.307%

FY Revenue 60.974312m vs. 58.062204m +5.015%
FY Cost of sales [54.194111m] vs. [54.062204m] +0.011%
FY Gross profit 6.780201m vs. 3.874292m +75.005%
FY Administrative expenses [2.062130m] vs. [1.855236m] +11.152%
FY Finance costs [0.197581m] vs. [0.052687m] +275.009%
FY Profit before tax 4.328873m vs. 1.471448m +194.191%
FY Income tax 24.586775m vs. [26.732995m] +191.972%
FY Profit and total comprehensive income for the year 28.915648m vs. [25.261547m] +214. 465%
EPS 0.33 vs. [1.97] +116.751%
Cash and cash equivalent at the end of the year [0.323641m] vs. 0.027998m


Expensive on a PE Basis
Average Price Over the last 5 Weeks
Average Price Over the last 5 Months
No. Of Shares Traded Over the last 5 Weeks
No. Of Shares Traded Over the last 5 Months
Market Capitalization Over the last 5 Weeks
Market Capitalization Over the last 5 Months
Data Source: Nairobi Stock Exchange
Trading Day: 17 Sep 2021
  31-AUG-2021 ::  Half Year Results
  Financial Statements for the Half Year Period Ended 30th June 2021.

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