Wednesday 05th of August 2020
In the words of Jessie Livermore...when right, sit tight. @The92ers
World Of Finance
The Year of the Virus I expect the US Curve out to 10 Years to be negative by Year End
World Of Finance
U.S. 10-year yields approach a new low. @lisaabramowicz1
World Of Finance
New York in two hours and Sydney in five - @VirginAtlantic gives first look at supersonic jet project @SkyNews
Tourism, Travel & Transport
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Of beautiful, starry African nights. A Baobab tree against the night sky as seen through the lenses of @bobbyneptune @JamboMagazine
BREAKING: amid the pandemic, prices of tickets to leave Earth using the services of the new space companies *skyrocket* @Marco_Piani
Tourism, Travel & Transport
The Way We Live Now
World Of Finance
Nasim Taleb @nntaleb said ''they talk about thinking “outside the box”; and when they die they are put in a box''
World Of Finance
They are born, put in a box; they go home to live in a box; they study by ticking boxes; they go to what is called “work” in a box, where they sit in their cubicle box; they drive to the grocery store in a box to buy food in a box they talk about thinking “outside the box”; and when they die they are put in a box.
Political Reflections
Law & Politics
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Law & Politics
27-JUL-2020 :: Drinking the Kool-Aid Geopolitically speaking we have entered ‘’a furin cleavage site’’ moment
Law & Politics
Another view of the explosions in Beirut @borzou
Law & Politics
It certainly feels like a decade of "semiotic arousal" when everything, it seemed, was a sign, a harbinger of some future radical disjuncture or cataclysmic upheaval.
Law & Politics
Fireworks explosion?! I felt like I’m dying, I still can’t believe it #Lebanon #Beirut @Lobnene_Blog
Law & Politics
13-JAN-2020 :: 2020 Opens with a Bang.
Law & Politics
Its been an extraordinary opening to the new decade worthy of the best cinematic sequences ever, something like the ‘Ride of the Valkyries’ helicopter scene in Francis Ford Coppola’s 1978’s classic Apocalypse Now.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb referenced another Francis Ford Coppola classic ‘’The Godfather’’
its been very cinematic and stream of consciousness in 2020. The Shoo- ting down of #PS752 out of the night Sky a couple of nights before the luminous ‘’Wolf Moon’’
The majority of people I spoke to in Beirut are not buying the story that this was an explosion related to fireworks being stored in a hanger #Lebanon @Amena__Bakr
Law & Politics
It certainly feels like the Virus has accelerated The World and that the Centre cannot hold.
World Of Finance
Global #COVID19 deaths passed 700k. Cases and deaths per day, total, and growth rate visualized. @jmlukens
Total cases: 18,535,898 New cases: 257,765 Growth rate: 1.39%
Total deaths: 700,566 New deaths: 6,952 Death Rate: 3.78%
24-FEB-2020 :: "The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." - Professor Allen Bartlett
We are not there yet. The exponential moment is still in front of us Drinking the Kool-Aid
World Of Finance
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Year of the Virus
World Of Finance
On Single Point Forecasts for Fat-Tailed Variables Nassim Nicholas Taleb∗†, Yaneer Bar-Yam‡, and Pasquale Cirillo @nntaleb @yaneerbaryam @DrCirillo
World Of Finance
(i)– Forecasting single variables in fat-tailed domains is in violation of both common sense and probability theory.
(ii)– Pandemics are extremely fat-tailed events, with potentially destructive tail risk. Any model ignoring this is necessarily flawed.
(iii)– Science is not about making single points predictions but about understanding properties (which can sometimes be tested by single point estimates and predictions).
(iv)– Sound risk management is concerned with extremes, tails and their full properties, and not with averages, the bulk of a distribution or naive estimates.
(v)– Naive fortune-cookie evidentiary methods fail to work under both risk management and fat tails, because the absence of raw evidence can play a large role in the properties.
(vi)– There are feedback mechanisms between forecast and reaction that affects the validity of some predictions.
(vii)– Individuals risks fail to translate into systemic risks under multiplicative processes.
The lognormal has milder tails than the Pareto which has been shown to represent pandemics.
pandemic deaths are patently fat-tailed
Even more, the estimated tail parameter α is smaller than 1, suggesting an apparently infinite risk [6], in line with destructive events like wars [4], [5], and the so-called "dismal" theorem [39]. Pandemics do therefore represent a source of existential risk.
More uncertainty in a system makes precautionary decisions more obvious. If you are uncertain about the skills of the pilot, you get off the plane when it is still possible to do so.
And if people take action boarding up windows, and evacuating, the claim "look it was not so devastating", that someone might afterwards make, should be considered closer to a lunatic conspiracy fringe than scientific discourse.
Ancestral wisdom has numerous versions such as Cineri nunc medicina datur (one does not give remedies to the dead), or the famous saying by Seneca Serum est cavendi tempus in mediis malis (you don’t wait for peril to run its course to start defending yourself).
Notice in fact that 1014 observations are needed for the sample mean of a Pareto "80/20", with α ≈ 1.13, to emulate the gains in reliability of the sample average of a 30-data-points sample from a Normal distribution [33].
For this and other reasons specified later, the application of a non-naive precautionary principle [23] appears to be the viable solution in front of potentially existential risks.
Figures 1 and 3 show the extent of the problem of forecasting the average (and so other quantities) under fat tails. Most of the information is away from the center of the distribution.
The most likely observations are far from the true mean of the phenomenon and very large samples are needed for reliable estimation.
In the lognormal case of Figure 1, 85% of all observations fall below the mean; half the observations even fall below 13% of the mean.
In the Paretian situation of Figure 3, mimicking the distribution of pandemic deaths, the situation gets even worse: the mean is so far away that we will almost never observe it.
Implication: one cannot naively translate between the rate of growth r and XT , because errors in r could be small (but surely not zero), but their impact will be explosive on X, because of exponentiation.
Simply, if r is exponentially distributed (or part of that family), X will be power law. The tail α is a direct function of the variance: the higher the variance of r, the thicker the tail of X.
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HOW TO HANDLE A PANDEMIC Our debate with John Ioannidis. Plus why naive single point "forecasting" and "evidence based" methods are both unscientific and unwise under pandemics. Thanks to @pierrepinson @spyrosmakrid @nntaleb
World Of Finance
In the first 7 months of 2020, #COVID19 killed at least 673,000 people. How does this compare with the usual number of deaths from other causes? @redouad
• Homicide: 236,000
• Malaria: 362,000
• Suicide: 463,000
• HIV/AIDS: 557,000
• Tuberculosis: 690,000
We Know that the #Coronavirus is exponential, non linear and multiplicative.
The World in the c21st exhibits viral, wildfire and exponential characteristics and feedback loops which only become obvious in hindsight.
World Of Finance
Don DeLillo wrote "Everything is barely weeks. Everything is days. We have minutes to live." The Way we live now #COVID19
We are in the realms of Behavourial Economics. #COVID19 and the Spillover Moment
World Of Finance
Drinking The Kool Aid
World Of Finance
Chinese scientist who fled to US claims coronavirus originated from ‘military lab’
Dr Li Meng-Yan, a specialist in virology at the Hong Kong School of Public Health, says she “clearly assessed” that Covid-19 was from a laboratory linked to the People’s Liberation Army.
China has already faced allegations it covered the early days of the coronavirus outbreak and angrily dismissed claims that the virus could come from a lab.
Dr Li, however, claimed that the source of the outbreak was a military lab she discovered while studying person-to-person transmission of the virus.
Speaking in a live interview with Lude Press, she claimed she was not taken seriously when she reported her findings to her boss, Taiwan News reports.
Dr Li said, “At that time, I had clearly assessed that the virus came from a Chinese Communist Party military laboratory.
“The Wuhan wet market was just being used as a decoy. ”
“He warned me… ‘Hands off the red line,’” Dr Li said, referring to Beijing’s unspoken limits on such investigations.
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01-MAR-2020 :: The Origin of the #CoronaVirus #COVID19
However, after sequencing the full genome for RaTG13 the lab’s sample of the virus disintegrated, @PeterDaszak said. “I think they tried to culture it but they were unable to, so that sample, I think, has gone.” @thesundaytimes
.@WHO experts will travel to #China this weekend to work together with their Chinese counterparts to prepare scientific plans for identifying the zoonotic source of #COVID19. @DrTedros
01-MAR-2020 :: The Origin of the #CoronaVirus #COVID19
“A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what's going on. ”― William S. Burroughs
The @WHO are going to China for a break. [Not anymore]
.@WHO experts will travel to #China this weekend to work together with their Chinese counterparts to prepare scientific plans for identifying the zoonotic source of #COVID19. @DrTedros
“An inquiry that presupposes — without evidence — that the virus entered humans through a natural zoonotic spillover and that fails to address the alternative possibility that the virus entered humans through a laboratory accident, will have no credibility,” said Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist at Rutgers University in New Jersey.
“To have any credibility and any value, an investigation must address the possibility that the virus entered humans through a laboratory accident and must also address the further possibility that the ability of the virus to infect humans was enhanced through laboratory manipulation — ‘gain-of-function research of concern’.”
Dear @MaEllenSirleaf & @HelenClarkNZ The starting point of your enquiry has to be precisely what is being precluded below because “If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.” #COVID19
Law & Politics
I am convinced that the only ‘’zoonotic’’ origin was one that was accelerated in the Laboratory.
There is also a non negligible possibility that #COVID19 was deliberately released – Wuhan is to the CCP as Idlib is to the Syrian Regime – and propagated world wide.
According to Daszak, the mine sample had been stored in Wuhan for six years. Its scientists “went back to that sample in 2020, in early January or maybe even at the end of last year, I don’t know. They tried to get full genome sequencing, which is important to find out the whole diversity of the viral genome.”
However, after sequencing the full genome for RaTG13 the lab’s sample of the virus disintegrated, he said. “I think they tried to culture it but they were unable to, so that sample, I think, has gone.”
24-FEB-2020 :: @WHO is captured. And millions of lives will have been trifled with #COVID19 the Game is Up. #COVID19 Game is Up. #COVID19
International Markets
World Of Finance
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Currency Markets At A Glance WSJ
World Currencies
Euro 1.1816
Dollar Index 93.067
Japan Yen 105.72
Swiss Franc 0.9125
Pound 1.3093
Aussie 0.7188
India Rupee 74.95
South Korea Won 1189.44
Brazil Real 5.2911
Egypt Pound 15.9898
South Africa Rand 17.3218
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Dollar Index Chart INO 93.06
World Currencies
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Euro versus the Dollar Chart 1.1820
World Currencies
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I'm sure no Robinhood trader was hurt in the making of this chart. @NorthmanTrader
World Of Finance
Best markets, YtD in USD - mostly Nordics and China @akcakmak
World Of Finance
1) Denmark +21%
2) Lithuania 15%
3) China 11%
4) Taiwan 10%
5) Latvia 7%
6) Finland 4%
8) Sweden 3%
10) US 2%
Worst markets, YtD in USD - mostly Latin America and Africa @akcakmak
World Of Finance
1) Colombia -39%
2) Mauritius -32%
3) Brazil -31%
4) Zambia -30%
5) Austria -29%
6) Namibia -29%
7) Greece -28%
8) Mexico -27%
Commodity Markets at a Glance WSJ
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Gold Barrels Past $2,000 With Stage Set for Prices to Rally More @markets $2,030.50
“The stage has been set for gold to continue to climb higher,” Paul Wong, market strategist at Sprott Inc., said in a report.
“We see increased fiscal spending ahead, extremely accommodative monetary policy in place for years and a challenging economic recovery, as stated by the Fed.”
Shifts in the U.S. bond market have also underpinned gold’s meteoric ascent, with an added lift from a weaker dollar.
Real yields on 10-year Treasuries have collapsed below zero and hit a record low below -1% on Tuesday. After sinking 3.3% in July, the U.S. currency is now lower in 2020.
Spot gold rose as much as 0.6% to a record $2,031.14 an ounce and traded at $2,019.74 at 8:51 a.m.
in Singapore, while most-active futures traded as high as $2,048.60 on the Comex.
Spot silver climbed as much as 1.3% to $26.3473 an ounce, the highest since 2013, before trading lower.
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27-JUL-2020 :: Drinking the Kool-Aid PRECIOUS METALS TURN VIRAL
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Gold skyrockets through $2,000. Real yields sink deeper below zero. @DavidInglesTV $2,030.50
27-JUL-2020 :: Conclusions Euro 1.25 $DXY < 90.00 Gold $2,200+ Silver $50.00+ EM a Sell [on rallies] Drinking the Kool-Aid
World Of Finance
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24-FEB-2020 I would venture Gold is correlated to the #Coronavirus which is set to turn parabolic and is already non linear and exponential ~ or as that great French Thinker Paul Virilio described it ~ has “escape velocity”
22-MAR-2020 :: I believe Gold will soon turn viral to the Upside I am looking for $2,000.00+ [Market closed at $1484.00 that day]
Gold touched above $2,000/oz @EdVanDerWalt
“But it is a curve each of them feels, unmistakably. It is the parabola. They must have guessed, once or twice -guessed and refused to believe -that everything, always, collectively, had been moving toward that purified shape latent in the sky, that shape of no surprise, no second chance, no return.’’
22-JUN-2020 :: Gold is a No Brainer targets $2,000.00
Crude Oil 6 Month Chart INO 41.79
Minerals, Oil & Energy
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Turkish Lira (offshore) ON rate hits 839% @mnicoletos @ScouseView
World Currencies
August 13, 2018 And then ‘’Even if they got dollars, we got ‘our people, our God’’’ [In the markets that is called a ‘’Hail Mary’’ pass]
World Currencies
04.09.2018 no-one except die-hard Erdogan-supporting Turkish nationalists is prepared to throw good money after money gone bad on the basis of Erdogan's hocus pocus monetary policy Mr. Satchu told Sputnik.
World Currencies
21 days now of Turkey's new coronavirus cases being below 1,000 but above 900. 996 three days ago, 995 yesterday. @RencapMan
World Currencies
Just a coincidence that this is when #Turkey is trying to attract tourists back in this crucial quarter for Turkey's balance of payments
Serial defaulter #Argentina and its largest creditors struck deal to restructure $65bn of debt, setting stage for it to emerge from its 3rd default since turn of century. The deal is worth about 54.8 cents on the dollar. @Schuldensuehner
World Currencies
Serial defaulter #Argentina and its largest creditors struck deal to restructure $65bn of debt, setting stage for it to emerge from its 3rd default since turn of century. The deal is worth about 54.8 cents on the dollar. @Schuldensuehner
Emerging Markets
BREAKING: Mnangagwa says "The dark forces, both inside and outside our borders, have tampered with our growth and prosperity for too long." @BrezhMalaba
He accuses "opposition terrorist groups" for destabilising the economy.
21-JAN-2019 :: Its the End Game in Harare
Law & Politics
“These are things that are outside the reach of most Zimbabweans. It’s like the people of Zimbabwe are in a chokehold,” @efie41209591 told @ReutersAfrica
Law & Politics
Tsitsi Dangarembga, whose latest book “This Mournable Body” has been nominated for a Booker Prize, was bundled into a police truck while holding placards on Friday and charged with breaking the COVID-19 lockdown to hold an illegal gathering.
Bailed pending trial after a night in jail, the 61-year-old said she could not keep quiet while neglect and mismanagement left Zimbabweans unable to afford a decent meal and healthcare.
“These are things that are outside the reach of most Zimbabweans. It’s like the people of Zimbabwe are in a chokehold,” she told Reuters from her home in Harare’s affluent Borrowdale suburb.
“It’s a matter of survival really.”
Security forces deployed on Friday to block planned opposition protests over corruption and economic hardships.
Foes say Mnangagwa is behaving like his autocratic predecessor Robert Mugabe and exploiting the coronavirus crisis as cover.
Popular anger is high over inflation above 700%, hospital strikes, and shortages of medicines and foreign currency.
Mnangagwa blames the opposition, Western sanctions, droughts and the pandemic. “Dark forces both inside and outside have tampered with our growth and prosperity,” he said in a speech on Tuesday.
Dangarembga said she had been lucky after rights groups said some activists rounded up over Friday’s unrest were abducted and tortured. The government denies that.
“When we got into the (police) truck one of the first thing that happened is I was asked ‘who is paying you?’ I was very outraged by that question,” she recalled.
“What was going through my mind was:’what do we do now? The main thing is not to escalate the situation, we have not done anything wrong so we shouldn’t be frightened’.”
Dangarembga noted that a new hashtag #ZimbabweansLivesMatter was helping focus global attention.
“Trying to change Zimbabwe for the better is going to be a long engagement and we have to strategise,” she said.
Dangarembga’s first novel “Nervous Conditions” was part of Zimbabwe’s school curriculum and won the African section of the Commonwealth Writers Prize in 1989.
She also wrote “Neria”, Zimbabwe’s most successful film.
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09-SEP-2019 :: Emmerson @edmnangagwa who was eulogising Mugabe as a Revolutionary Icon has failed and is frankly as untenable as his erstwhile Mentor.
Law & Politics
"It took Africa nearly 5 months to hit 500,000 cases, but about a month to double that number... We fear that health systems could be overwhelmed" -- Patrick Youssef, ICRC Africa director. @geoffreyyork
The African continent is approaching the 1 million mark in total confirmed COVID cases. "It took Africa nearly 5 months to hit 500,000 cases, but about a month to double that number... We fear that health systems could be overwhelmed" -- Patrick Youssef, ICRC Africa director.
Africa is entering a Fast Growth ‘’escape’’ velocity Phase #COVID19
It took 123 days to go from the first case of #coronavirus to 250,000 confirmed cases Africa. From 250,000 to 500,000 21 days. From 500,000 to 750,000 14 days
Africa on track to pass 1 million diagnosed #COVID19 cases shortly @jmlukens
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Africa is playing ''Whack a Mole'' with a blindfold on
Africa has a Problem COVID-19 pandemic in Africa is now reaching ‘full speed’ @AP #COVID19
Africa has a Problem COVID-19 pandemic in Africa is now reaching ‘full speed’ @AP #COVID19 and it’s good to prepare for the worst-case scenario, the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention chief said
’We’ve crossed a critical number here,” he said of the half-million milestone.
“Our pandemic is getting full speed.”
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South Africa is the Precursor for the rest of Africa #COVID19
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South Africa #COVID19 UPDATE 4 AUG• 345 more deaths • 19,507 tests conducted.• 4,456 new cases. Daily positivity rate = 22.8% • Active cases = 148,683 @rid1tweets
South Africa continues to report highest number of COVID-19 cases and deaths in the WHO African Region, now passing the 500 000 mark, with more than 8 000 deaths #AFROWeekly Health Emergencies Bulletin
Community transmission is well established across all provinces of the country. Gauteng Province remains the hot spot of the country’s outbreak, although KwaZulu-Natal is now passing Eastern Cape Province in terms of case numbers.
The outbreak remains mainly localised in the four most populous provinces in the country; however, there is a rapid rise in cases in the less populous provinces, which is of grave concern.
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Cape Town had a lot more imported cases than Nairobi probably .. SA has 4X the obesity rate of Kenya (28% vs 7%) @RencapMan
“South Africa may unfortunately be a precursor,” @DrMikeRyan said. “It may be a warning for what will happen in the rest of Africa.” @WHO @VOANews
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Africa is now accelerating off a Lowbase
On the 10-MAY-2020 : Africa was at 56,000 confirmed #COVID19 cases
The number of confirmed cases in Africa has been rising by about 30% a week over the past month, but is set to incline steeply now.
02-MAR-2020 :: The #COVID19 and SSA and the R Word
We Know that the #Coronavirus is exponential, non linear and multiplicative.
what exponential disease propagation looks like in the real world.
Real world exponential growth looks like nothing, nothing, nothing ... then cluster, cluster, cluster then BOOM!
South Africa All Share Bloomberg
World Of Finance
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Dollar versus Rand Chart @Slipcatch 17.3075
World Currencies
Egypt Pound versus The Dollar 3 Month Chart INO 15.9877
World Currencies
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Egypt EGX30 Bloomberg
World Of Finance
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Nigeria All Share Bloomberg
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Ghana Stock Exchange Composite Index Bloomberg
World Of Finance
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We are staring into the abyss of a Zombie Apocalypse #COVID19
02-MAR-2020 :: Balance Sheets are maxed out
World Of Finance
09-DEC-2019 :: Time to Big Up the Dosage of Quaaludes
World Of Finance
Africa's GDP growth could decline between 4PP and 9PP. @achaleke @Africa_com
5 March 2020 Debt, virus and locusts create a perfect storm for Africa @TheAfricaReport
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22-MAR-2020 :: How much do we need to haircut FY SSA 2020 Remittances? 10%? 20% >25% #COVID19
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Kenya #AFROWeekly Health Emergencies Bulletin
The COVID-19 outbreak in Kenya is escalating rapidly, with 46 out of 47 counties now affected and cases doubling around every two weeks, although deaths remain low. High rates of health worker infection in private health facilities are also a concern.
Nairobi City and Mombasa Counties have the highest attack rates of COVID-19 at 301.9 and 171.6 per 100 000 population respectively. This is in comparison to an attack rate of 44.9 per 100 000 population overall and indicates that these areas need specific targeted interventions.
Currently, 22 053 (97%) of the total number of confirmed cases are known to be local transmissions.
In the 24 hours up to 2 August 2020, a total of 5 393 samples were tested, bringing the cumulative total of tests in the country since the start of the outbreak in March 2020 to 304 287.
The laboratory testing rate currently stands at 6 284 samples per 1 million people. The test positivity rate is 7.1%.
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Remittances to Kenya (up 4% 2020H1 / 2019 H1) continue to defy predictions by World Bank of a 20% drop in remittances to Africa this year @DWteVelde
Kenyan Economy
High frequency data hard to interpret; CBK now predicting 1% growth this year Data for June 20 surprisingly good
This is positive
Data from @CBKKenya shows that non-performing loans (NPLs) rose to Sh379.9 billion in June, up from Sh349.9 billion at the end February — the sharpest four-month increase in recent history. @BD_Africa
Kenyan Economy
The NPL growth emerged in a period when Kenyans deferred payments on nearly a third of the bankers’ total loans, a pointer that defaults — which is credit that remains unpaid for more than 90 days — could have been worse without the credit rescheduling.
The ratio of NPLs rose from 12.7 per cent in February to 13.1 per cent — the highest since August 2007 when it stood at 14.41 per cent.
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InterContinental Hotel @icnairobi has sacked all employees and ended its Kenya operations. @moneyacademyKE
Tourism, Travel & Transport
What’s certain is that the whole global economy has been hit by an insidious, literally invisible circuit breaker #COVID19
Kenyan Economy
Very sad to hear this @icnairobi
Tourism, Travel & Transport
Hair scavenged from Nairobi dump ends up in salon amid COVID-19 pandemic @ReutersAfrica
Kenyan Economy
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Stylist Julia Wanja picks her way delicately through piles of food waste, discarded masks, rubber gloves and other rubbish at Nairobi’s Dandora dumpsite, looking for used hair extensions she can clean and resell to customers.
The pandemic means fewer clients with less money and she is cutting down on costs by cleaning and reselling hair from the dumpsite.
Officials direct trucks to dump their loads depending on where the waste has come from. Domestic and commercial waste - which includes bags of hair extensions discarded by other salons - goes to different sections. Medical waste is usually incinerated.
“I have fewer customers,” the mother of three told Reuters from her wooden stall near the Dandora dumpsite as vehicle horns blared in the background. “If you are not going to work, there is no need to style your hair.”
Wanja said she washes the used hair extensions carefully using detergent, Dettol and hot water. Most of her customers trust her to wash the hair well, she said, although a few like to clean it themselves as well.
Like other scavengers, she wears a mask to sort through the trash.
“We cannot allow anyone to enter the dumpsite without a mask on,” fellow scavenger Denis Githaiga said, as he ripped through piles of plastic bags.
Wanja has been selling second-hand hair since 2008, but says there is more demand now since many people cannot afford new extensions.
“New hair is more expensive than second-hand hair,” the 38-year-old said. “People don’t have money.”
Wanja’s customers say as long as the hair has been cleaned, they do not mind where it is from. The hair looks new: long, luxuriant locks hang from the walls in Wanja’s stall, or are perched on a battered styrofoam head.
“The hair bought new from a shop and bought used only differs in price. But once it is plaited, there is no difference,” said Cecilia Githigia as Wanja’s fingers worked a weave into her hair.
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Kenya Shilling versus The Dollar Live ForexPros 107.95
World Currencies
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Africa’s Worst Stock Market Faces More Pain From Bank Earnings @markets @eombok @adengat
N.S.E General
There is no recovery in sight yet for Africa’s worst-performing stock market as investors look to bank earnings this month to assess how hard the coronavirus pandemic hit Kenyan lenders.
Net foreign-investor outflows and reduced dollar earnings led the Nairobi Securities Exchange 20 Share Index to slide for seven consecutive months through July, falling to the lowest in 17 years, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.
Investors from outside Kenya increased their trading in the three months through June, ramping up net foreign-portfolio outflows to 10.3 billion shillings ($95.5 million), compared with an inflow of 1.17 million shillings a year ago.
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The virus is not correlated to endogenous market dynamics but is an an exogenous uncertainty that remains unresolved #COVID19
NASI Monthly. Falling as we had anticipated. Interim target 105.60 @mnandii
N.S.E General
Nairobi All Share Bloomberg
N.S.E General
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Nairobi ^NSE20 Bloomberg
N.S.E General
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Every Listed Share can be interrogated here
N.S.E General
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