Wednesday 30th of June 2021
Registe and it's all free.
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‘Lockdown’, 2021 by Indian artist #OnkarLele @saatchi_gallery
The Way We Live Now
Sunrise over the lagoon in front of Abu’s Camp, in the Okavango Delta @africaInscribed
Sunrise over Namibia in the Richtersveld National Park with the Lower Orange River in the foreground. @JAHC1
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Genesis, sunrise in Namibia Hans-Wolfgang Hawerkamp @SydneyPark18
Luminous and Fairy Tale
I am close to finishing all the Margaret Atwood books in the Muthaiga Library
But all doors used regularly are doors to the afterlife .@MargaretAtwood
The Pandemic Is a Portal
time I have found has become non-linear
― Margaret Atwood, The Blind Assassin
“When you're young, you think everything you do is disposable. You move from now to now, crumpling time up in your hands, tossing it away. You're your own speeding car. You think you can get rid of things, and people too—leave them behind. You don't yet know about the habit they have, of coming back'
Time in dreams is frozen. You can never get away from where you've been.”
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‘It’s feels as though we’re living through a frozen explosion. The shattered pieces of the world as we knew it are all suspended in the air...’ ARUNDHATI ROY
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Melons are a thing with Babur. Hot, grumpy, and newly sober in Hindustan, he remembers the melons of Kabul:
How can one forget the pleasures of that country? Especially when abstaining from drinking, how can one allow oneself to forget a licit pleasure like melons and grapes?
Recently a melon was brought, and as I cut it and at it I was oddly affected. I wept the whole time I was eating it.
Early in his travels Babur, referencing a king from the Shahnama, carves on a rock:
“Like us many have spoken over this spring, but they were gone in the twinkling of an eye./ We conquered the world with bravery and might, but we did not take it with us to the grave.”
Babur did not take the world with him to the grave, but he left himself in the world. Truly it is a rare thing for a voice to call across 500 years and greet you like a friend.
The Sirdarya or Jaxartes running just below Babur's home fortress of Akshikent near Namangan in the Fergana Valley of Uzbekistan @DalrympleWill
Babri Masjid (Mosque of Babur) It is believed that one of his generals, Mir Baqi, built the Babri Masjid ("Babur's Mosque") in 1528 on his orders
’At the moment of vision, the eyes see nothing’’. The moment of Vision’’ is in essence a non-linear thing, its a moment of deep insight.
"and your laugh is like the spray of the sea, your head is a star between my hands, the world grows green again when you smile." Sunstone, The Poems of Octavio Paz
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Octavio Paz Another of the poet’s images is “burnt water,” an ancient Mexican concept which appears in Paz’s work in both Spanish and in the Aztec original, “atl tlachinolli.”
Schulman maintained that “burnt water” is “the dominant image of [Paz’s] poetry” and found that the image fulfills a role similar to that of the two sides of the coin in Eagle and Sun?
She noted: “Paz sees the world burning, and knows with visionary clarity that opposites are resolved in a place beyond contraries, in a moment of pure vision: in that place, there are no frontiers between men and women, life and death.”
Chiles called the Aztec combination of fire and water “particularly apt in its multiple connotations as a symbol of the union of all warring contraries.”
I think that our own unique and distinctive personality blends with the wind, with the footsteps in the street, with the noises around the corner, and with the silence of memory, which is the great producer of ghosts. Octavio Paz
Political Reflections
Law & Politics
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#Kabul is vibrant & full of energy. @MSharif1990
Law & Politics
This could be Kabul in 180 days. @alexplitsas
Law & Politics
Nations w/ fast #COVID19 2wk avg case/day increase @jmlukens
Mozambique: 573%
Rwanda: 355%
Burma: 321%
Bangladesh: 138%
Indonesia: 133%
UK: 125%
South Africa: 106%
Portugal: 91%
Kyrgyzstan: 81%
Uzbekistan: 75%
The power of the wave Warren Keelan @Soy_Luchick
Big epidemic waves increase the speed of evolution. The Lancet @LucaFerrettiEvo
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Assuming a fixed vaccine escape mutation probability per infection (p), the risk of a vaccine escape variant arising in a specified time period is 1 – (1 – p)N, where N represents the number of cases in that period.
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28-MAR-2021 we are seeing a sustained acceleration in mutant viruses.
"Time is a flat circle. Everything we have done or will do we will do over and over and over again- forever."
United Kingdom Delta #COVID19 wave showing even greater magnitude and growth trends than 2020 Fall outbreak. 22,723 cases yesterday above 16,404/day avg up 125% past 2wks. @jmlukens
United Kingdom Delta #COVID19 wave showing even greater magnitude and growth trends than 2020 Fall outbreak. 22,723 cases yesterday above 16,404/day avg up 125% past 2wks. UK deaths per day still low but slowly increasing with 17/day avg up 82% past 2wks.
In 1720 Marseille allowed a ship from plague-ridden Cyprus into port, under pressure from merchants who wanted the goods and didn’t want to wait for the usual quarantine. More than half the population of Marseille died in the next two years
Will Europe have a lethal summer? The UK is a harbinger of what's to come in the EU27. @fibke
''viruses exhibit non-linear and exponential characteristics''
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BofA: "The seven-day average of new cases in the US, at 12,600, has started to rise again after a steep decline from 69,000 in April." @zerohedge
The Family Behind the Covid Bleach Cure Was Making a Fortune @BW
When Donald Trump suggested injecting bleach, the Genesis II Church had just the “sacrament”—until Operation Quack Hack landed four elders in jail.
Mark Grenon jolted awake in a sweat, his heart pounding. He’d been shaken by a nightmare that his family was about to be captured by armed forces who wanted to put him behind bars for life.
In a rare feat for a false prophet, Grenon’s vision essentially came true.
At the break of dawn the next morning, July 8, 2020, as police helicopters circled overhead, a SWAT team appeared in armored vehicles and raided the headquarters of the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing in Bradenton, Fla., which doubled as the family home.
Two of Grenon’s sons, Jordan and Jonathan, were arrested.
Grenon, the church’s self-styled archbishop, was also wanted by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Office of Criminal Investigations, along with another of his eight sons, Joseph, but they’d fled for Colombia weeks earlier.
For more than a decade, the Grenons had enriched themselves by selling Miracle Mineral Solution, or MMS, a “sacramental” drink that promised to cure ills such as Alzheimer’s and cancer but that scientific consensus holds to be potentially lethal and have no medical value whatsoever.
Thousands of people had bought it to bathe in, spray on, or ingest.
Inside a steel warehouse on the church’s property, a hazmat crew seized more than 50 gallons of hydrochloric acid and 8,300 pounds of sodium chlorite, which could be combined to make chlorine dioxide, the main ingredient in MMS.
FDA investigators affixed stickers reading “1496” to the blue plastic barrels of sodium chlorite, indicating its classification as a chemical so corrosive it can burn a hole through the throat, perforate the stomach, and cause blindness.
Chlorine dioxide commonly serves as an industrial bleaching agent, with applications that include stripping textiles of color and turning wood pulp into paper.
When ingested, it can cause irreparable damage to the respiratory tract and other critical organs.
In 2019 the FDA warned Americans against the use of MMS, noting that there had been more than 16,000 cases of chlorine dioxide poisoning in the U.S. in the previous five years, including 2,500 cases involving children under 12.
A month after the Florida raid, elite Colombian military operatives arrested Mark and Joseph in the port city of Santa Marta.
Mark and his three captured sons were charged with conspiracy to defraud the U.S., conspiracy to violate the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, and criminal contempt, for marketing and selling MMS as well as for violating an earlier order to cease operations.
A statement from Colombian law enforcement at the time of Mark’s and Joseph’s arrests said MMS had been linked to the deaths of seven people in the U.S.
Before the pandemic, the Grenons had earned about $30,000 a month selling MMS to buyers who were sometimes sick or dying, on the false premise that chlorine dioxide could eradicate 95% of known diseases.
After the coronavirus outbreak, Mark claimed chlorine dioxide could cure Covid-19, and sales tripled almost overnight, further boosted when then-President Donald Trump speculated absurdly that injected disinfectants might kill the virus.
According to bank records reviewed by the FDA, the family was on track to sell more than $1 million worth of MMS in 2020, until Mark and his sons were arrested as part of Operation Quack Hack, the agency’s mission to shut down profiteers pushing dubious medicines.
This account of the Grenons’ rise and fall is based on court documents and audio and video recordings reviewed by Bloomberg Businessweek, as well as on information provided by people familiar with the investigation who requested anonymity because they weren’t allowed to speak publicly.
A spokesperson for the FDA declined to make its agents available for comment, citing the administration’s policy of not discussing open cases.
The Grenons, who are representing themselves in United States of America v. Mark Scott Grenon, et al., didn’t respond to several attempts to contact them by email and in letters addressed to the jails where they’re being held.
If found guilty, the family members could face life imprisonment.
In a podcast recorded the morning of his sons’ arrest in Florida, Grenon imagined an even graver fate.
But he also relished the idea that the church’s international network of MMS distributors would carry on the family’s work.
“If they kill us, we have so many people trained up all over the world right now in 145 countries,” he said. “That’s probably the best thing that could happen to us. This is not going to stop.”
In 1996, Jim Humble, an Alabama-born ex-Scientologist turned gold prospector who later claimed to be a billion-year-old god from the Andromeda galaxy, was on a mining expedition in Guyana when four members of his crew fell ill with malaria.
According to a book he published a decade later, Humble purified their drinking water with the sodium chlorite in his toolkit, curing them instantly.
Naming the pale yellow liquid “Miracle Mineral Solution,” he resolved to spread the word of his discovery.
Humble set out for Kenya, Malawi, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, and Uganda, ultimately saying he’d worked with international Christian aid groups to treat 100,000 patients.
That MMS was typically 28% sodium chlorite and tasted like rancid swimming pool water apparently proved no limitation.
Humble never admitted his remedy was toxic, though in a video he later circulated he described MMS use slowing in the African countries he’d visited after “a couple of missionaries decided I was evil.”
He nonetheless inspired dozens of imitators around the world, including Javan Ommani, a Kenyan preacher and former member of Parliament who sold MMS through his ministry, which managed hundreds of churches, and Robert Baldwin, a pastor in New Jersey whose nonprofit Global Healing Christian Missions recruited 1,200 Ugandan clerics to sell MMS in return for prizes such as smartphones.
(Four of Baldwin’s associates in Uganda were later arrested by local police and charged with conducting illegal trials of harmful substances. Baldwin has denied involvement.)
Demand grew in tandem with a broader trend toward suspicion of the pharmaceutical industry.
By 2009, MMS was gaining traction in some online communities, promoted by advocates such as actress Lindsay Wagner of Bionic Woman fame, who claimed it treated hives.
No one would spread the gospel of MMS quite so successfully as Grenon’s Genesis II Church.
A born-again Christian raised in Massachusetts by Catholic parents who converted to Mormonism, Grenon had long sought to shepherd a flock of his own.
Inspired by what he later described as a visitation from two angels in Harvard Square, he tried establishing a church outside Boston, at the back of an Italian social club complete with a bar, but it failed to attract a substantial following.
He went on to work as a pilot flying Christian missionaries to and from the Dominican Republic, where he ultimately decided to settle down and build a ministry.
Grenon purchased 50 acres of farmland overlooking the Caribbean Sea near the port city of Barahona and began work on a walled compound that would include two houses, an apartment, a church, and a swimming pool.
Facing some financial hardship when the Great Recession struck, he reluctantly put the half-completed estate up for sale for $350,000, but no one made an offer.
Around the same time, according to Grenon’s 2018 book, Imagine, a World Without Dis-Ease: Is It Possible?, his family fell ill with MRSA, a staph infection that’s particularly resistant to antibiotics.
None of the medical treatments recommended by local doctors worked, he wrote.
Browsing online for home remedies, he discovered Humble’s website and ordered a batch of Miracle Mineral Solution.
He said it immediately reduced the family’s fevers and healed their sores.
Grenon soon contacted Humble and invited him to the Dominican Republic.
By 2010, Humble had moved into one of the ministry’s houses, and he and Grenon began envisioning a windfall.
The idea, Grenon once explained on a podcast, was to elevate Humble’s obscure online operation to the dominant international supplier of MMS, with an emphasis on the developing world, where lower health-care standards might lead people to more readily accept unproven cures.
Knowing that such a business would test consumer protection laws in many markets, he and Humble agreed to form the operations under the guise of a church and promote MMS as a ceremonial drink, which they figured would insulate them in countries such as the U.S. that afford religious groups robust freedoms.
“Look at the Catholics,” Humble later wrote in a newsletter to his followers.
“Their priests have been molesting women and children for centuries, and the governments have not been able to stop it. If handled properly a church can protect us from vaccinations that we don’t want, from forced insurance, and from many things that a government might want to use to oppress us.”
On another podcast, Grenon was unequivocal: “Everything you do commercially is under the Universal Commercial Code, OK?” he said, referring to the Uniform Commercial Code, which governs most transactions in U.S. states.
“A church is completely separate from that code, statutes, and laws. That’s why a priest can give a kid wine in church publicly and not get arrested. Because it’s a sacrament. You can’t arrest us for doing one of our sacraments.”
The Genesis II Church of Health and Healing was established and registered locally within weeks of Humble’s arrival in the Dominican Republic.
He and Grenon anointed themselves archbishops and began manufacturing MMS, first producing it in kitchen sinks in the church’s walled compound, then in a ramshackle shed in the backyard of the Grenons’ home back in Florida, then in a tent, and ultimately in a custom-built steel warehouse.
They marketed the solution on Genesis II’s website as “sacramental cleansing water,” mailing out 4-ounce bottles in return for $20 donations paid to the church.
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Fast Forward The democratization of authority spurred by the digital revolution has flattened cognitive hierarchies along with other hierarchies, and political decision-making is now driven by often weaponized babble. @FukuyamaFrancis
A reality TV star botched the response to a global pandemic and now we are all imprisoned in our homes and forced to watch him daily. @JenaFriedman #COVID19
There is no miracle Cure
@MagufuliJP #COVID19 was equivalent to “Satan” and that it would naturally be defeated with prayer, since “Satan cannot reside in the body of Christ.”
Drinking the Kool-Aid
The Family Behind the Covid Bleach Cure Was Making a Fortune @BW [continued]
At different points, Grenon claimed the formula could cure autism, depression, HIV, multiple sclerosis, and more.
Instructions were tailored to the affliction: To eradicate kidney stones, ingest three drops every hour for eight hours a day over the course of three weeks.
To urgently treat a heart attack, 2 tablespoons.
To fight skin cancer, spray the entire bare body.
Facebook posts from the early 2010s showed members of U.S. groups dedicated to promoting MMS uploading pictures of what appeared to be chemical burns on their or their children’s arms, legs, and torsos, asking whether they were a sign the sacrament was working.
Grenon and Humble, as well as Grenon’s bishop sons, Jordan, Jonathan, and Joseph, began hosting two-day seminars in hotel conference rooms in Chile, New Zealand, South Africa, the U.S., and other countries.
Attendees paid $450 each, or $800 per couple, to be ordained as “health ministers,” trained in manufacturing MMS and approved to dispense it in their local communities.
The seminars and the attendant sales boost helped the Grenons start netting at least $100,000 per year, according to bank statements provided by Wells Fargo & Co. to the FDA. (Wells Fargo cut all ties with the Grenons following their arrest.)
To convey their status as archbishops, Grenon and Humble would dress for the seminars in blinding-white starched shirts, trousers, ties, and fedoras adorned with a turquoise-colored stone.
One of the PowerPoint slides they showed held that the body was a temple and that believers “need to maintain said temple in a clean manner as God, our Creator, demands”—an appeal to fundamentalist Christian belief.
Another slide said that symptoms such as acute nausea and diarrhea were proof that MMS was purging the body of toxins.
“100,000 bottles at $15 and 100,000 books at $15 is $3 MILLION dollars. Double that and we’re the SIX MILLION DOLLAR MEN”
By then there was evidence that using MMS could be fatal. In 2009, American retiree Doug Nash and his Mexican wife, Sylvia Fink, embarked on a circumnavigation of the globe aboard their sailboat, Windcastle.
On their way to the Solomon Islands, they met a couple, a Belgian man and an American woman, who sold MMS to Fink as a prophylaxis against malaria.
On an August morning, after a night of dancing with villagers on the remote island of Epi to celebrate an annual canoe race, Fink added 2 drops of MMS to 10 drops of lime juice and drank the mixture on the boat’s sundeck.
Within 15 minutes, she’d started vomiting uncontrollably, continuing until she was throwing up only bile. She also suffered burning urinary pain.
Nash radioed for medical assistance, but by sundown Fink had lapsed into a coma. By 9 p.m. she was dead.
The autopsy report noted a significantly high level of methemoglobin in the blood—a symptom of high exposure to chlorite—which would have effectively starved her body of oxygen.
“It was a substance, used in the fashion that was being recommended, that was definitely acting like a poison would on your gut,” Nash says of the MMS. “Her body got so dehydrated that her organs started to fail.”
Now in his late 80s, Nash relocated aboard the Windcastle to Honolulu, where he’s writing a book about his wife’s death.
He recalls Grenon mocking the incident in early podcasts and even suggesting Nash was somehow to blame.
“He’s a crude, vile, dishonest person,” Nash says while discussing Grenon’s arrest. “I have no idea what the penalty should be for what he did, peddling an industrial chemical that’s very dangerous if you use it incorrectly. But he deserves to be punished.”
Fink’s death resonated enough in Oceania that when Grenon and Humble went to Australia and New Zealand to host a dozen seminars five years later, seeking to market MMS as a cure for Ebola, which was then spreading in West Africa, some legs of their tour were shut down by local governments.
From 2009 to 2014, the Victorian Poisons Information Centre had attributed at least 10 poisonings in Australia, including four that required hospitalization, to MMS.
In one particularly serious case from April 2009, a woman had been fined for injecting cancer sufferers with MMS in her garage, advising them not to seek chemotherapy and charging them as much as $2,000 per shot;
one breast cancer patient had to be treated for a life-threatening blood clot afterward.
While Grenon and Humble were in New Zealand, lawmakers were seeking to pass a bill that would help regulators ban products such as MMS, but it eventually stalled out.
Word of Genesis II’s practices reached the FDA in the early 2010s, according to a person familiar with the subsequent investigation.
With MMS adoption rising thanks to Facebook groups and church affiliates, the agency contacted the U.S. Embassy in Santo Domingo, which began working with the Dominican government to halt the distribution of bleaching products marketed for ingestion.
A team of local police officers visited Barahona to apprehend Grenon and Humble, the person said, but they left, infuriated and divided on the reach of their authority, when the two men said, “We’re a church.”
In 2015 police forces in the U.K. raided a home outside London where Grenon was meeting with a chapter founded by a couple who manufactured MMS at a Bulgarian ski resort hotel they owned.
That year the U.S. government also sentenced Louis Daniel Smith, a Genesis II Church member in Washington state, to almost five years in prison for selling MMS through a business called Project GreenLife, which had masqueraded as a wastewater treatment company to obtain the ingredients necessary to produce chlorine dioxide without the FDA’s notice.
According to court records, Smith had emailed his father outlining the economics of selling MMS and associated products, noting that “100,000 bottles at $15 and 100,000 books at $15 is $3 MILLION dollars. Double that and we’re the SIX MILLION DOLLAR MEN.”
Sometime around 2015, Humble and Grenon fell out over what Humble has cast as Grenon hoarding his share of the profits.
Humble left Genesis II to build a new life in rural Mexico. In 2016, after being tracked down in Guadalajara by an ABC News team, he became an apostate, writing in a blog post, “Today I declare, MMS cures nothing!” (Humble didn’t respond to emailed requests for comment.)
MMS kept spreading, largely away from the public eye despite the 16,000 chlorine dioxide poisonings taking place in the U.S. from 2014 to 2019.
The exact percentage that can be traced directly to MMS is unknown, though in one notable instance from 2017, an autistic 6-year-old girl was hospitalized with liver failure after her parents gave it to her.
Genesis II held that, over time, it trained 2,000 ministers globally and sold millions of vials of MMS to members and to online buyers transacting through Amazon.com and EBay.
Church-branded MMS hasn’t been listed on those websites since the Grenons’ arrest, but several imitations with names such as “Jim Humble’s Formula” are still available for purchase.
(Amazon and EBay said in separate statements that they have procedures and tools in place to monitor and remove listings that don’t comply with laws and regulations. Each company took down a listing for a chlorine-dioxide-based product included in Businessweek’s request for comment.)
In July 2019, Jose Rivera joined the FDA as a special agent after investigating cybercrime and money laundering for the U.S. Secret Service earlier in his career.
He was assigned to the Grenon case. According to an affidavit, he visited Genesis II’s website that October and, using an assumed name, ordered a “G2 Sacramental Kit” and had it delivered to an FDA-controlled address.
When the kit arrived, a note printed on the bottle of MMS capsules read, “As water needs to be cleansed for health, so must the water of the body, the blood and its tissues be cleansed to maintain health—Archbishop Mark Grenon.”
Rivera sent a message to an email address printed on a pamphlet included with the shipment, asking how often his wife should drink MMS to cure her bladder cancer.
Jordan Grenon replied, suggesting two drops per hour.
In January 2020, Rivera began staking out the Bradenton address listed on the return label—the family compound.
Public records showed that the property, which was adorned with the church’s logo, a globe overlaid with a golden garland reading Genesis II, belonged to Jonathan Grenon.
When the pandemic reached U.S. shores two months later, a flood of civilian complaints about rising sales of unapproved Covid cures and test kits prompted the FDA to introduce Operation Quack Hack, which targeted 700 groups suspected of fraud.
With the church’s monthly sales climbing above $100,000 after Mark Grenon claimed in an early March newsletter that MMS could stop the disease, Rivera purchased a second shipment and had it sent to an FDA-controlled address in Atlanta.
He reported to his superiors that the instructions advised Covid sufferers to ingest “one 6-drop dose of MMS, then one hour later take another 6-drop dose of MMS. After two 6-drop doses of MMS, go on hourly doses of 3 activated drops in 4 ounces of water hourly. For children, follow the same instructions as above and cut the amounts in half.”
The FDA and the Federal Trade Commission sent a letter to the Grenons on April 8, warning them that their MMS sales violated federal law.
The following week a federal court in Florida entered an injunction to halt distribution, vowing to “zealously pursue perpetrators of fraud schemes seeking to take advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic.”
But officials couldn’t have anticipated the endorsement these bleach-based remedies were about to receive.
“I see disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute,” Trump said during an April 23 briefing at the White House.
“Is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in the lungs, and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that.”
It remains unclear how Trump arrived at the conclusion that injecting disinfectant could offer any medical benefit.
Testimonials for bleach-based cures were, to be sure, circulating online among QAnon conspiracy theorists and in vaccine-skeptic circles.
But it’s conceivable that Genesis II played a role; certainly, its archbishop took credit.
Less than a week before Trump spoke, Grenon had said on his weekly webcast that he’d written to the president about his legal problems, describing MMS as “a wonderful detox that can kill 99% of the pathogens in the body” and “rid the body of Covid-19.”
After Trump’s endorsement Grenon claimed, without evidence, that the president had received bleach from more than two dozen church supporters and that Genesis II had a channel to him through a Trump family member.
On a podcast that same month, Grenon declared that he had no intention of complying with the government’s efforts to shut him down.
He also offered a warning, invoking the constitutional amendment guaranteeing the right to bear arms. “You’ve got the Second, right?” he said.
“When Congress does immoral things, passes immoral laws, that’s when you pick up guns, right? You want a Waco? Do they want a Waco?” he said, referring to the 1993 U.S. government siege of a Texas religious sect’s headquarters that left 86 people dead.
In May, U.S. District Judge Kathleen Williams issued a restraining order prohibiting Genesis II from labeling, holding, or distributing any misbranded drug, including MMS.
Grenon responded by emailing the judge and U.S. district attorney’s office, saying “you have NO authority over our Church.”
In another podcast, recorded shortly before he and Joseph fled for Colombia, he warned, “You could be taken out, Ms. Williams.”
Genesis II did remove the main MMS product page from its , leaving only a broken link that stated the church was temporarily “in prayer.”
But according to court documents, the Grenons continued to sell MMS by email and phone, including to additional undercover FDA investigators.
The family kept selling right up to the raid in July, which the agency and the county sheriff’s office concluded was urgently needed based on the Grenons’ violent rhetoric, according to a person familiar with the operation.
After the arrests of two of his sons, Mark called the FDA “irrelevant” on a podcast, saying he trusted Trump would throw the case out of court.
He added that the Department of Justice would regret its role in bringing the case and that, if a trial resulted, the judge and the prosecutors would themselves end up in jail and the FDA would be dismantled.
With Mark and Joseph still awaiting extradition from Colombia, Jonathan and Jordan were arraigned on April 26.
They pleaded not guilty. Speaking via Zoom from a gray room near their cells at Pinellas County Jail in Florida, Jonathan began reading a four-page statement laid on top of a leather-bound Bible, opening with a declaration that he was “a son of God.”
The judge asked him to stop, and when he carried on, she ordered that his feed be muted.
Jordan introduced himself as “Jordan Paul of the Grenon family, hereby his special divine appearance.”
Asked by the judge whether he understood that he had a right to appear in person for the proceedings rather than conduct them by video, he replied, “I only understand God almighty.”
He claimed not to have read the 19-page indictment in front of him.
As the judge read it aloud, Jordan repeated several times that he was not “the vessel” whose name appeared in all capital letters in the indictment, but only an “executor of the vessel.”
Mark and Joseph will be tried back in the U.S. alongside Jonathan and Jordan in the coming months. If convicted, all four men face up to life in prison.
It would be the most severe legal punishment to date for anyone accused of poisoning victims with chlorine dioxide for personal gain.
Yet Grenon’s prophecy that MMS will endure could still prove prescient.
The church has recently gained a significant following in some South American countries, according to local reports.
Hundreds of buyers have been lining up outside makeshift MMS distribution centers in poor rural communities as the pace of Covid vaccination falls behind that of major cities.
The Bolivian health ministry reported 10 chlorine dioxide poisonings stemming from MMS last year, and this February, Argentina opened a criminal investigation targeting a local Genesis II leader following the deaths of a 50-year-old man and a 5-year-old boy who’d consumed the bleaching agent.
The official website of the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing is still online, having migrated to Chilean servers after a U.S. shutdown.
Active chapters are listed for Argentina, Australia, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Ghana, Ireland, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the U.K., the U.S., and Uruguay.
Grenon-trained bishops are standing by to administer the sacrament, in return for a $20 donation.
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The Genesis II Church of Health and Healing was also the Grenon family compound.PHOTOGRAPHER: TIFFANY TOMPKINS/BRADENTON HERALD
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Short #USD positions closed from 37% open interest to 31% last week, the largest net purchase of USD since 2006, according to Morgan Stanley @dlacalle_IA
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09-MAY-2021 :: Benito Modi whose hyper incompetence even the Die Hard BJP ''Deadenders'' are finding it impossible to defend
Emerging Markets
Why does the economy keep tanking under Modi? Here is one part of the answer. @sonaliranade
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The accelerated growth was "a fantastically crafted fiction," according to Prasad, Blood and Soil in @narendramodi's India @NewYorker
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Modi has tanked the most crucial sector of the economy for new job creation - Exports. Zero growth over 7 years; a first in the annals of our economic history. @@sonaliranade
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“Kumbh Mela [which] may end up being the biggest super spreader event in the history of this pandemic.” Professor Ashish Jha
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"Better to die for an idea that will live than to live from an idea that will die" As heard from an Eswatini revolutionary interviewed yesterday on @BBCWorld @majiwater
Turning to Africa
We are getting closer and closer to the Virilian Tipping Point
“The revolutionary contingent attains its ideal form not in the place of production, but in the street''
Political leadership in most cases completely gerontocratic will use violence to cling onto Power but any Early Warning System would be warning a Tsunami is coming
#Swaziland is burning Fire, seems a revolution is taking place @honore123
10 NOV 14 : African youth demographic {many characterise this as a 'demographic dividend"} - which for Beautiful Blaise turned into a demographic terminator
Martin Aglo, a law student from Benin, told Reuters: “After the Arab Spring, this is the Black Spring”.We need to ask ourselves; how many people can incumbent shoot stone cold dead in such a situation – 100, 1,000, 10,000?
This is another point: there is a threshold beyond which the incumbent can’t go. Where that threshold lies will be discovered in the throes of the event.
The Event is no longer over the Horizon.
The former president had failed to appear for a corruption hearing and the court responded with a contempt charge. @SkyNews
Washington says it will not 'stand by in the face of horrors' in Tigray @YahooNews
Robert Godec, acting assistant secretary of state for the State Department's Bureau of African Affairs, said the Biden administration was far advanced in its assessment of whether to call events crimes against humanity, genocide or war crimes.
"The administration is in full agreement that horrifying atrocities are being committed in Tigray," he told the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee.
"We will not stand by in the face of horrors in Tigray," he said, urging the Eritrean government to immediately join in the cessation of hostilities and calling for a commitment of all parties to a permanent, negotiated ceasefire in the region.
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Abiy Ahmed, who had declared when he sent his forces into the restive Tigray region last year that the operation would be over in a matter of weeks.
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Abiy has surrendered all ends up. @addisstandard Wonder how the Spinners spin this rout
November 8, 2020 .@PMEthiopia has launched an unwinnable War on Tigray Province.
Ethiopia which was once the Poster child of the African Renaissance now has a Nobel Prize Winner whom I am reliably informed
PM Abiy His inner war cabinet includes Evangelicals who are counseling him he is "doing Christ's work"; that his faith is being "tested". @RAbdiAnalyst
@PMEthiopia has launched an unwinnable War on Tigray Province.
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When war broke out commentators who warned that this will be a long and bloody conflict were either ridiculed or designated as TPLF propagandists. That was shortsighted. @writingpolitics
.@reda_getachew “Our primary focus is to degrade enemy fighting capabilities … So if going to Amhara is what it takes, we will do it, if going to Eritrea is what it takes, we’ll do it." @addisstandard
Ethiopia’s choice: Dialogue or disintegration?
The country must collectively abandon the use of force as a means of settling political disputes and commit to inclusive and constructive dialogues to address competing visions for the country.
Turning a blind eye will lead to further chaos with the potential to spread beyond Ethiopia’s borders to the rest of the Horn of Africa—a nightmare scenario to be avoided at all costs.
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[Dissolution risk is blinking amber] A fiendishly complicated task fending off the centrIfugal forces which are tearing Ethiopia apart @PMEthiopia has lost this battle
If TDF/TPLF were to win this conflict, it might signal the end of Ethiopia as we know it. Unlike 1991 'Tigrayans' will not 'take over' country again, but separate. @writingpolitics
Abiy will most likely be toppled by seething Amhara extremists. Isaias takes a break from it all. @Galaxy2Galaxy5
February 1st 2021 ‘The genie out of the bottle’ @AfricanBizMag
It’s impossible for the state to manage a guerrilla war up there and at the same time manage to control the rest of the country.
"Rather than stay home and be slaughtered, you must fight." @rcoreyb
Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer
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Ethiopia which was once the Poster child of the African Renaissance
Funding pressure may have pushed #Ethiopia towards ceasefire in #Tigray @PatrickHeinisc1
Funding pressure may have pushed #Ethiopia towards ceasefire in #Tigray. With the #budget deep in the red, #current_account deficits, low #reserves, 🇪🇹needs lifting of #sanctions & resumption of budget support. Important to watch int. reactions. 🇪🇹on July 12 #EU FA council agenda
Sudan to Receive Debt Relief Under the HIPC Initiative @IMFNews
Sudan is the 38th country to reach this milestone, known as the HIPC Decision Point.
Sudan’s external public debt will be irrevocably reduced—through HIPC debt relief and other debt relief initiatives anchored to the HIPC initiative—by more than US$50 billion in net present value terms, representing over 90 percent of Sudan’s total external debt—if it reaches the HIPC Completion Point in about three years’ time.
“This decision is an important milestone which will support Sudan’s reform and development agenda and our efforts to move away from the past and foster better lives for our people,” said Abdallah Hamdok, Prime Minister, Republic of Sudan.
Altogether, Sudan’s external debt burden is expected to fall from about US$56 billion (163 percent of GDP) in NPV terms as of end-2020 to US$6 billion (14 percent of GDP) once the Completion Point is reached and with the participation of all creditors.
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10-JUN-2019 :: The "zeitgeist" of the Revolution in Khartoum was intoxicating
@doctorsoumya told me. “You could end up with explosive outbreaks.” @kakape
Drinking the Kool-Aid
09-MAY-2021 Africa might be casting a weary glance over its shoulder at India and would certainly be prudent to do so.
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Jun 11 Let’s see how long it takes for this to completely flip. 4 weeks max.
Detection of Delta Variant in South Africa @Tuliodna
08-MAR-2021 the ultra hyperconnectedness of the c21st World.
Gauteng Delta Variant @rid1tweets gets a citation in @TheEconomist @JohanFourieZA
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." - Professor Allen Bartlett
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Delta Variant of Covid-19 Surges Across Unvaccinated Africa @WSJ @gksteinhauser @JoeWSJ
The more-transmissible Delta variant of the coronavirus is surging across Africa, the continent with the least vaccines and weakest healthcare systems, feeding fears among epidemiologists and political leaders of a public-health disaster that could echo the tragedy that unfolded in India in the spring.
The speed of the takeover of the variant, which was first identified in India and is forcing governments around the globe to tighten restrictions on social and economic activities, has shocked health experts in Africa, a continent that—in part thanks to its younger population—has recorded fewer Covid-19 deaths than other regions.
Some are warning that previous infection from another strain of the virus may not protect against Delta, leaving swaths of the population that were believed to be immune once again vulnerable.
In South Africa, families have been driving ailing relatives across state lines to try to secure one of the country’s few remaining intensive-care beds.
On a recent June night, every one of the 30 Covid-19 patients in the intensive-care unit of Uganda’s largest hospital died as the oxygen supplies ran out.
In Zambia’s capital, Lusaka, doctors say the mortuaries have run out of space.
“We are in the grip of a devastating wave that by all indications seems like it will be worse than those that preceded it,” South African President Cyril Ramaphosa said Sunday in a televised address in which he imposed new lockdown measures.
“The rapid spread is extremely serious,” he said.
Africa’s third wave of infection comes at a perilous moment for the continent: Just 1.1% of its 1.3 billion people are fully vaccinated, medical supplies have been depleted, doctors are physically and mentally exhausted and, in some cases, unpaid and hospitals are turning patients away for lack of beds and oxygen.
Governments, struggling to rebound from the region’s worst recession on record, had been reluctant to impose new lockdowns until they saw the speed of the Delta’s expansion.
The reason—and the cause of rising panic—is the spread of the Delta variant that ripped through India in April and May, killing nearly 400,000 people according to the government and more than 1 million according to some epidemiologists.
The Delta strain, also known as B.1.617.2, will probably make up 50% of Covid-19 infections in the U.S. by early to mid-July, according to researchers.
It has been cited by Anthony Fauci, President Biden’s chief medical adviser, as the greatest threat to U.S. efforts to defeat the virus.
Across Africa, at least 20 countries are experiencing sharp increases in infections that have already surpassed or are projected to top earlier peaks, according to the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention.
Over the past week, Covid-19 infections on the continent jumped by 31%, while the number of deaths rose by 19%, the agency said.
The variant has now been identified in at least 13 of the continent’s 54 countries, although few African nations have the capacity for large-scale genome sequencing.
In several—including Uganda, Congo and South Africa—Delta has become the dominant strain of the virus within just a few weeks, coinciding with unprecedented peaks in Covid-19 cases.
“It is frightening to see what is going on across the continent,” said John Nkengasong, the director of the Africa CDC.
“This is the first time that we are beginning to see countries report that their health system…the hospitals are completely overwhelmed.”
In South Africa, the continent’s most industrialized economy and the country with the most sophisticated genome-sequencing program, Delta now appears to be responsible for nearly three-quarters of infections, a tripling compared with the start of June, according to data from the KwaZulu-Natal Research Innovation and Sequencing Platform.
In Uganda, Delta was found in 97% of test samples sequenced recently, while in Congo it was detected in 79% of samples, according to the World Health Organization.
Health experts in the U.K., where Delta has also driven a surge in infections, say that without public-health restrictions the average person infected with this variant passes it to between five and eight people—making it more than twice as contagious as the original strain that emerged in China in 2019.
Delta also appears more effective than earlier versions of the virus at evading the body’s immune responses generated by previous infections, according to laboratory experiments.
While full vaccination appears to offer high levels of protection against Delta, experts in South Africa warned over the weekend that antibodies triggered by infection from an earlier strain in laboratory experiments appeared less able to fend off the new variant.
This finding is especially dangerous for countries with little access to Covid-19 shots that were counting on previous infections to blunt the force of new transmission waves.
“There is a higher risk of reinfection,” Tulio de Oliveira, a geneticist at the Nelson Mandela School of Medicine in South Africa, said during a news conference with the country’s health minister. “We didn’t expect that.”
Anecdotal evidence suggests, however, that protection from previous infection from the Beta variant that was until recently dominant in South Africa is good enough to keep symptoms mild in most cases, said Alex Sigal, a virologist at the Africa Health Research Institute in South Africa.
On Friday, Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni called for the country’s 42 million citizens to join a nationwide day of prayer, pleading for divine intervention after some of the world’s strictest lockdown measures failed to halt surging infections.
Mr. Museveni has banned public and private transport for everyone except essential workers.
Employees at construction sites, factories and food markets have been ordered to sleep at their place of work for 42 nights to stop transmissions.
Some districts have banned death announcements on the radio, for fear people will congregate for the burials.
In the capital, Kampala, the epicenter of Uganda’s outbreak, Covid-19 patients have drained the supply of oxygen, making it harder to keep the sick from dying.
Supplies at the city’s largest hospitals are so strained that dozens of patients have died within minutes of one another as daily stocks run out, according to health officials and relatives of the victims.
Sandra Abwoli watched her sister Annette, a 35-year-old mother of two, die alongside 30 other ICU patients on June 15 in Kampala’s Mulago Hospital.
“I saw health workers running up and down, they said more oxygen cylinders were on the way,” she said.
“The patient next to our bed died first, my sister also died around 30 minutes later. We could hear the wailing of relatives in the corridors.”
Patients in Johannesburg, South Africa’s largest city, are dying in hospital hallways without oxygen as the waiting time for beds has increased to up to three days, doctors said.
At Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital, the country’s largest, situated in the Johannesburg township of Soweto, a junior doctor said he and his colleagues in the emergency room were splitting each oxygen port to serve three people and still didn’t have enough.
“The people you turn to end up being the people letting you die,” said the doctor.
A Covid-19 treatment tent set up at another facility, Helen Joseph Hospital, has at times run out of the bottled oxygen it depends on to treat patients, said Yaseen Theba, chairman at the Muslim Association of South Africa, a community group that has been working desperately to find beds for critically ill patients.
Families trying to treat sick relatives at home, meanwhile, are struggling to obtain oxygen concentrators, bottles and regulators.
Between Monday and Friday last week, the cost of an oxygen concentrator jumped from around 14,000 South African rand, equivalent to around $980, to 35,000 rand.
“Things are dire, dire, dire,” said Mr. Theba.
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Drivers transported oxygen cylinders in Kampala, Uganda, as demand surged in mid-June. PHOTO: NICHOLAS KAJOBA/XINHUA/ZUMA PRESS
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Africa is currently reporting a million new infections about every 69 days @ReutersGraphics
“The third wave is picking up speed, spreading faster, hitting harder. With rapidly rising case numbers and increasing reports of serious illness, the latest surge threatens to be Africa’s worst yet,” says @MoetiTshidi @kakape
Africa Wave 1 Peak 19,612 Infections July 23rd 2020 Wave 2 Peak 37,378 January 8th 2021 Infections @ReutersGraphics
''viruses exhibit non-linear and exponential characteristics''
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568,919 Active COVID-19 Cases in Africa @BeautifyData [9.4075% above a record high from January 2021]
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Active #Covid19 cases record 520,000 was in January 2021 @NKCAfrica
In the week to June 28, the southwest African nation with a population of about 2.5 million had an infection rate of 4,302 cases per million people, the second-highest rate in the world after Mongolia, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.
Deaths more than doubled from the week earlier.
The positivity rate for those being tested surged to 46% on Sunday and 45 people died of the disease.
The number of deaths from Covid-19 increased to an average of about 83 a week in June from 16 in December.
Outpatient services at Katutura Intermediate Hospital, the biggest in Windhoek, were closed on Monday so that the facility can focus on treating Covid-19 patients.
While officially just less than 85,000 Namibians have contracted Covid-19 and 1,400 have died, Shangula said on Monday many people are dying at home as they resort to unproven remedies and shun hospitals.
“These are hard lessons for us as we are now losing lives because of things such as lack of beds and oxygen supply in many isolation units,” ex-minister Haufiku said. “We did things half heartedly, hence the current calamity.”
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The tragedy in Namibia Now the highest cases per capita in the world and one of the top 3 in fatalities >40% test positivity @EricTopol
South Africa All Share Bloomberg
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TOP IN BUSINESS: Eyes on Uhuru over new airtime, bank loan taxes. @BD_Africa
Kenyan Economy
Very informative infographic from the @StandardKenya with a timeline of the conditions Kenya needs to fulfil to receive more IMF Cash @MwangoCapital
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Safaricom share price performance: Month to Date: -0.25% Last 3 months: +5.2% Year to Date: +19% @MwangoCapital
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