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Satchu's Rich Wrap-Up
Friday 20th of November 2020
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Macro Thoughts
World Of Finance
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There is no V shaped recovery coming in 2021. Thats just a Fantasy. The Spinning Top
World Of Finance

"As a consequence of decades of economic mismanagement, sequential resuscitations and constant bailouts—most especially during the past three years—vast portions of the global economy have mutated into a ‘zombified’ state." @mtmalinen

Home Thoughts
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The Way We Live Now
World Of Finance

Mussels for breakfast by bb007 sunrise,zanzibar @haerone
Tourism, Travel & Transport

Khoobsurat tigerscape #UrduSpottedToday #ranthambhore @adityadickysin
Tourism, Travel & Transport

T38, brother of Noor or T39. He left Ranthambhore in 2010 to settle in Kuno national park in Madhya Pradesh. Was the dominant male there for 10 years and just recently he is back in Ranthambhore. Awesome tiger. @adityadickysin
Tourism, Travel & Transport

Interesting story of this tiger who was numbered T38, brother of Noor or T39. He left Ranthambhore in 2010 to settle in Kuno national park in Madhya Pradesh. Was the dominant male there for 10 years and just recently he is back in Ranthambhore. Awesome tiger.

Arundhati Roy: ‘The pandemic is a portal’ –

01-MAR-2020 :: “A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what's going on. ”― William S. Burroughs

A dystopian novel where rival media organizations war for audiences and the agenda setting power in the nation, inadvertently sparking actual warfare. @jenmercieca

In the end there are no audiences because everyone is dead.

Whoever Controls The Narrative Controls The World
Law & Politics

Surreal Ocean Photography Turns the World on Its Side To Create Alluring Otherworldly Scenes Freediver and photographer Dan Legend @mymodernmet
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"It is so much simpler to bury reality than it is to dispose of dreams" - Don DeLillo, Americana

From Mombasa with love...091119... An old man going for a morning dip at the old harbour

My Mum used to do that exact swim every morning 

"There is a world inside the world." - Don DeLillo, Libra

"Temporal bandwidth," is the width of your present, your now. It is the familiar "∆ t" considered as a dependent variable

"Temporal bandwidth," is the width of your present, your now. It is the familiar "∆ t" considered as a dependent variable. The more you dwell in the past and in the future, the thicker your bandwidth, the more solid your persona. But the narrower your sense of Now, the more tenuous you are.

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Political Reflections
Law & Politics
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Giuliani, flailing, says Venezuela, Clinton and Soros hatched 'centralized plan' to steal election for Biden @Yahoonews
Law & Politics
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Giuliani points to a map as he speaks to the press at Republican National Committee headquarters on Thursday about various lawsuits related to the election. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)
Law & Politics
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That press conference was the most dangerous 1hr 45 minutes of television in American history. And possibly the craziest. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you’re lucky. @C_C_Krebs
Law & Politics

09-NOV-2020 :: The Spinning Top
World Of Finance

The World has spun at dizzying speed in 2020 and is bookended with the Decapitation of Qasem Soleimani and then the Political decapitation of President Trump by the [not so] ''Sleepy'' Joe Biden and who exits stage left twittering into the wilderness or is it Trump TV?

The demise of the Reality TV Star turned seriously vaudeville with Mr. Giulani mounting the last stand from the Four Seasons Total Landscaping next to Fantasy Island Adult Books across the street from the Delaware Valley Cremation Center.

Some Folks seem convinced that the Prophet of Populism Donald J. Trump is going to lead his 70m Disciples into some major 5th generational chess moves but surely just as likely is an Unfolding psychological breakdown played out in front of our eyes on TV like Willy Loman in Arthur Miller's Death of Salesman

“You can't eat the orange and throw the peel away - a man is not a piece of fruit.”

“If personal meaning, in this cheer leader society, lies in success, then failure must threaten identity itself.”

I’m tired to the death. The flute has faded away. He sits on the bed beside her, a little numb. I couldn’t make it. I just couldn’t make it, Linda.

Counterintuitively, The Trump Vladislav Surkov Talking Points which of course always feature George Soros are strangely ineffective and a little like a receding tide.

The American Electoral System has emerged unscathed and in fact looks robust.

“My take on Trump is that he is an inevitable creation of this unreal normal world,” Adam Curtis says. “Politics has become a pantomime or vaudeville in that it creates waves of anger rather than argument''

''Maybe people like Trump are successful simply because they fuel that anger, in the echo chambers of the internet.”

"Men respond as powerfully to fictions as they do to realities [and] in many cases they help to create the very fictions to which they respond."
Law & Politics

A ceaseless shape-shifting that is unstoppable because it is undefinable Adam Curtis

The underlying aim, Surkov says, is not to win the war, but to use the conflict to create a constant state of destabilised perception, in order to manage and control

The Single biggest Issue remains how Biden engages with the Algorithmic Master [Blaster] and Sun Tzu Maestro '' ''The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting''
Law & Politics

Xi salami-sliced his way into a deeply forward position during the Obama Administration and in 2020 snaffled up Hong Kong, marched 400 kilometers into Indian Territory and the Straw Man Narendra Modi has not even uttered a word and Xi might even decide to roll over Taiwan during this Interregnum.

Xi Jinping:“We must sustain and enhance our superiority across the entire production chain... we must tighten international production chains' dependence on China, forming powerful countermeasures and deterrent capabilities” @Fritz844
Law & Politics

Xi Jinping:“We must sustain and enhance our superiority across the entire production chain... we must tighten international production chains' dependence on China, forming powerful countermeasures and deterrent capabilities based on artificially cutting off supply to foreigners.”

Données du #Covid19 dans le monde au 19 novembre :+ 650 435 cas en 24h, soit 56 899 019 au total + 11 003 décès en 24h, soit 1 360 985 au total @CovidTracker_fr

The virus is moving at warp speed

US 7 Day Average Daily Infections @MarchForScience

Malcolm Gladwell ‟Tipping Point‟ moment in an epidemic when a virus reaches critical mass. It‟s the boiling point. It‟s the moment on the graph when the line starts to shoot straight upwards. #nCoV2019
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US has more than 200,000 new infections and 2,239 fatalities – the worst death toll since May – in 24 hours @asiatimesonline

Political decision-making is now driven by often weaponized babble. @FukuyamaFrancis
Law & Politics

A reality TV star botched the response to a global pandemic #COVID19
Law & Politics

22-MAR-2020 :: To watch the Daily Briefing is to understand that the Control Machine has a Novice, a hubristic Ignoramus in charge of the Console

Year of the Virus
World Of Finance

Historically, such pandemics had the capacity to overtake “the dynasties at the time of their senility, when they had reached the limit of their duration” and, in the process, challenged their “power and curtailed their [rulers’] influence...”

Rulers who are only concerned with the well-being of their “inner circle and their parties” are an incurable “disease”.

States with such rulers can get “seized by senility and the chronic disease from which [they] can hardly ever rid [themselves], for which [they] can find no cure”

Angela Merkel: “You cannot fight the pandemic with lies and disinformation...the limits of Populism are being laid bare.” Angela Merkel

The Correlation between the Case Load and Populism has a stupendously high correlation coefficient.

India's coronavirus cases pass nine million as Delhi struggles @AFP

India has now registered more than 132,000 deaths, according to the latest official figures, which are widely seen as understating the true scale of the pandemic.

At one of Delhi's largest cemeteries, burial space is fast running out, grave-digger Mohammed Shamim told AFP.

"Initially when the virus broke (out), I thought I'll bury 100-200 people and it'll be done. But the current situation is beyond my wildest thoughts," Shamim said.

"I only have space left for about 50-60 burials. Then what? I have no idea."

"My father's oxygen saturation level dipped to 35 percent suddenly and we rushed to the nearby hospital but there were no beds available," Delhi resident Rajeev Nigam told AFP.

"We ran all night from one hospital to another but it was the same story everywhere," he said, blaming the Delhi government for being "unprepared" and "callous" in its approach.

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―They fancied themselves free, wrote Camus, ―and no one will ever be free so long as there are pestilences.

―In this respect, our townsfolk were like everybody else, wrapped up in themselves; in other words, they were humanists: they disbelieved in pestilences.

A pestilence isn't a thing made to man's measure; therefore we tell ourselves that pestilence is a mere bogy of the mind, a bad dream that will pass away.

But it doesn't always pass away and, from one bad dream to another, it is men who pass away, and the humanists first of all, because they have taken no precautions.

16-FEB-2020 :: ''viruses exhibit non-linear and exponential characteristics' #COVID19

The Seasonal Progression of the Pandemic @fibke

19-OCT-2020 :: Now Is The Winter Of Our Discontent
World Of Finance

The exponential moment is still in front of us. #COVID19

COVID-19 avg case/day increase past 2wks @jmlukens

#Botswana: 253%

#Algeria: 155%

#Serbia: 144%

#Estonia: 142%

#Japan: 127%

#SouthKorea: 120%

#Pakistan: 105%

#Afghanistan: 86%

#Albania: 79%

#Lithuania: 77%

COVID-19: Supermarkets most common exposure setting for catching coronavirus in England, latest data suggests
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A virulent plague that “travelled through the air as if on wings, it burned through cities like fire”.

EcoHealth Alliance orchestrated key scientists’ statement on “natural origin” of SARS-CoV-2 via @USRightToKnow H/T @katewerk

Emails obtained by U.S. Right to Know show that a statement in The Lancet authored by 27 prominent public health scientists condemning “conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin” was organized by employees of EcoHealth Alliance, a non-profit group that has received millions of dollars of U.S. taxpayer funding to genetically manipulate coronaviruses with scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

The emails obtained via public records requests show that EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak drafted the Lancet statement, and that he intended it to “not be identifiable as coming from any one organization or person” but rather to be seen as “simply a letter from leading scientists”

Daszak wrote that he wanted “to avoid the appearance of a political statement”.

The scientists’ letter appeared in The Lancet on February 18, just one week after the World Health Organization announced that the disease caused by the novel coronavirus would be named COVID-19.

The 27 authors “strongly condemn[ed] conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin,” and reported that scientists from multiple countries “overwhelmingly conclude that this coronavirus originated in wildlife.” 

The letter included no scientific references to refute a lab-origin theory of the virus

One scientist, Linda Saif, asked via email whether it would be useful “to add just one or 2 statements in support of why nCOV is not a lab generated virus and is naturally occuring? Seems critical to scientifically refute such claims!” 

Daszak responded, “I think we should probably stick to a broad statement.”

Growing calls to investigate the Wuhan Institute of Virology as a potential source of SARS-CoV-2 have led to increased scrutiny of EcoHealth Alliance. 

The emails show how members of EcoHealth Alliance played an early role in framing questions about possible lab origin of SARS-CoV-2 as “crackpot theories that need to be addressed,” as Daszak told The Guardian.

Although the phrase “EcoHealth Alliance” appeared only once in The Lancet statement, in association with co-author Daszak, several other co-authors also have direct ties to the group that were not disclosed as conflicts of interest. 

Rita Colwell and James Hughes are members of the Board of Directors of EcoHealth Alliance, William Karesh is the group’s Executive Vice President for Health and Policy, and Hume Field is Science and Policy Advisor.

The statement’s authors also claimed that the “rapid, open, and transparent sharing of data on this outbreak is now being threatened by rumours and misinformation around its origins.” 

Today, however, little is known about the origins of SARS-CoV-2, and investigations into its origins by the World Health Organization and The Lancet COVID-19 commission have been shrouded in secrecy and mired by conflicts of interests.

Peter Daszak, Rita Colwell, and The Lancet Editor Richard Horton did not provide comments in response to our requests for this story.

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A link to the entire batch of EcoHealth Alliance emails can be found here: EcoHealth Alliance emails: University of Maryland (466 pages)
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“If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.” ― Origin of #COVID19

‘’Zoonotic’’ origin was one that was accelerated in the Laboratory.

There is also a non negligible possibility that #COVID19 was deliberately released

However, after sequencing the full genome for RaTG13 the lab’s sample of the virus disintegrated, he said. “I think they tried to culture it but they were unable to, so that sample, I think, has gone.”

According to Daszak, the mine sample had been stored in Wuhan for six years. Its scientists “went back to that sample in 2020, 

in early January or maybe even at the end of last year, I don’t know. They tried to get full genome sequencing, which is important to find out the whole diversity of the viral genome.”

However, after sequencing the full genome for RaTG13 the lab’s sample of the virus disintegrated, he said. “I think they tried to culture it but they were unable to, so that sample, I think, has gone.”

.@WHO experts will travel to #China this weekend to work together with their Chinese counterparts to prepare scientific plans for identifying the zoonotic source of #COVID19. @DrTedros

#Ethiopia's army accuses @WHO DG #Tedros of supporting the TPLF, lobbying for and aiding them access weapons - calling him a criminal. @Habesh_

01-MAR-2020 :: The Origin of the #CoronaVirus #COVID19

It is impossible to ignore the introduction of a PRRA insert between S1 and S2: it sticks out like a splinter. This insert creates the furin cleavage site

The spike glycoprotein of the new coronavirus 2019-nCoV contains a furin-like cleavage site absent in CoV of the same clade
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They now turn to rule over the people by means of what could be dubbed “big data totalitarianism” and “WeChat terror.” @ChinaFile #COVID19 Xu Zhangrun

To put it another way, a breakthrough originating from the periphery may augur once more [as it did in the 1890s, the 1910s, the 1940s and again in the 1980s] a moment that favors a push towards meaningful constitutional and legal rule in China.

That‘s right, we, We the People, for [as I have previously said] how can we let ourselves ―survive no better than swine; fawn upon the power-holders like curs; and live in vile filth like maggots?!

As I write these words I reflect on my own situation which also dramatically changed in 2018 [when the author published his famous anti-Xi Jeremiad]. For having raised my voice then, I was punished for ―speech crimes

Thereafter, I was suspended from my job as a university lecturer and cashiered as a professor, reduced to a minor academic rank. I was placed under investigation by my employer, Tsinghua University; my freedoms have been curtailed ever since.

Writing as I do herein, I can now all too easily predict that I will be subjected to new punishments; indeed, this may well even be the last piece I write. But that is not for me to say.

International Markets
World Of Finance
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Currency Markets at a Glance WSJ
World Currencies


Dollar Index 92.290

Japan Yen 103.847

Swiss Franc 0.910525

Pound 1.328140

Aussie 0.728585

India Rupee 74.12345

South Korea Won 1116.80

Brazil Real 5.3062

Egypt Pound 15.6050

South Africa Rand 15.424840

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Dollar Index Chart INO 92.29
World Currencies
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Euro versus the Dollar Chart 1.1873
World Currencies
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Commodity Markets at a Glance WSJ
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Gold @Ole_S_Hansen 1863.00

Crude Oil Chart INO 41.72
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Emerging Markets
Emerging Markets
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Turkey raises key interest rate to 15% in an attempt to tame inflation @FT.
Emerging Markets
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In 1998, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher told the House of Commons: “There is no way in which one can buck the market.”
Law & Politics

Sub Saharan Africa
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The continent of Africa has now passed 2 million confirmed coronavirus cases @Covid_Africa

November 18th 13,150 New Infections versus 5,915 on September 28th. 

Sudan reports highest number of new infections since May

The average number of COVID-19 deaths reported each day in South Africa has been consistently increasing for 7 days

Average number of new infections reported in Algeria each day reaches new high: Now reporting more than 930 daily

Countries reporting the most new infections each day *




KENYA 1,060


There have been at least 2,039,000 reported infections and 48,700 reported deaths caused by the novel coronavirus in Africa so far. @ReutersGraphics

Africa has been experiencing a rise in cases since early October. #COVID19 @WHOAFRO

With the end of year approaching and many African families planning get-togethers, the World Health Organization (WHO) is urging countries to be on high alert for a possible surge in COVID-19 cases. This comes as nearly 20 countries in the region experience an uptick in cases.

After reporting a downward trend then a plateau, Africa has been experiencing a rise in cases since early October. 

Unlike the first wave of cases which was triggered by hotspots in Southern Africa, the latest increase is driven by the North African region, where temperatures are beginning to fall.

In the 47 countries in the WHO African Region, 19 countries have reported over a 20% increase in new cases in the past 28 days compared with the previous four weeks.  

However, 17 countries are also reporting a more than 20% drop in the number of new cases over the past 28 days, compared with the previous four weeks. 

There have also been increased reports of health worker infections and deaths, particularly among more experienced health workers.

Large group gatherings and mobility have been identified as risk factors for increasing the spread of COVID-19 and the approaching holiday season can promote these risks, leading to super spreader events.

“As we near the time of year when people get on the move to spend their holidays together, there is a bigger risk of COVID-19 transmission,” said Dr Matshidiso Moeti, WHO Regional Director for Africa. 

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We are seeing a worrying uptick in reported cases (~10,000 cases/day), across the continent. @AfricaCDC @JNkengasong

Tunisia 63 avg #COVID19 deaths per day up 23% past 2wks. South Africa 124 deaths yesterday above 78/day week avg. @jmlukens

COVID-19 avg deaths/day

#SouthAfrica: 78

#Morocco: 72

#Tunisia: 63

#Kenya: 19

#Algeria: 16

#Libya: 12

#Ethiopia: 8

#Sudan: 8

#Angola: 3

#Uganda: 3

Turning to Africa we all know by now ''viruses exhibit non-linear and exponential characteristics''
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Year of the Virus

―They fancied themselves free, wrote Camus, ―and no one will ever be free so long as there are pestilences.

―In this respect, our townsfolk were like everybody else, wrapped up in themselves; in other words, they were humanists: they disbelieved in pestilences.

A pestilence isn't a thing made to man's measure; therefore we tell ourselves that pestilence is a mere bogy of the mind, a bad dream that will pass away.

But it doesn't always pass away and, from one bad dream to another, it is men who pass away, and the humanists first of all, because they have taken no precautions.

Declining overall governance indicators in Africa, according to @Mo_IbrahimFdn Key actions needed to reverse this course @LopesInsights

Turning to Africa The Spinning Top

So far Africa has dodged the Virus from a medical perspective though it remains in my view a slow burning Fuse and we all know by now ''viruses exhibit non-linear and exponential characteristics'

The real challenge is the Economic Emergency. The latest Regional Economic Outlook for Sub-Saharan Africa projects economic activity in the region to decline by 3.0% in 2020 and recover by 3.1% in 2021. @IMFNews

The IMF is so bright eyed and bushy tailed and I want some of whatever Pills they are popping.

Ethiopia which was once the Poster child of the African Renaissance now has a Nobel Prize Winner whom I am reliably informed 

PM Abiy His inner war cabinet includes Evangelicals who are counseling him he is "doing Christ's work"; that his faith is being "tested". @RAbdiAnalyst

@PMEthiopia has launched an unwinnable War on Tigray Province.

Democracy from Tanzania to Zimbabwe to Cameroon has been shredded.

We are getting closer and closer to the Virilian Tipping Point

“The revolutionary contingent attains its ideal form not in the place of production, but in the street''

Political leadership in most cases completely gerontocratic will use violence to cling onto Power but any Early Warning System would be warning a Tsunami is coming

10 NOV 14 : African youth demographic {many characterise this as a 'demographic dividend"} - which for Beautiful Blaise turned into a demographic terminator

Martin Aglo, a law student from Benin, told Reuters: “After the Arab Spring, this is the Black Spring”.We need to ask ourselves; how many people can incumbent shoot stone cold dead in such a situation – 100, 1,000, 10,000?

 The Event is no longer over the Horizon.

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Voters head to the polls in Burkina Faso on Sunday - @ReutersAfrica
Law & Politics

Voters head to the polls in Burkina Faso on Sunday - a country in which worsening Islamist violence has displaced more than a million and left many unable to take part in the election.

The moment @HEBobiwine got arrested. The main opposition presidential candidate is in prison @MuvunyiF
Law & Politics

#BREAKING: 7 dead in Uganda protests Wednesday after arrest of opposition leader Bobi Wine: police. @AFP @AFPAfrica
Law & Politics

“This is a war-like situation, so the army has to deploy,” army spokeswoman Brigadier Flavia Byekwaso told @Reuters
Law & Politics

“You can see what is going on, people are being stoned, people are being killed, vehicles are being vandalised, tyres everywhere,” she said. “These things are spontaneous on all streets, so police cannot handle such a situation.”

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Is this the first footage when an airstrike hit #Makelle #Tigray in northern #Ethiopia on Monday? @shen_shiwei
Law & Politics

William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar: "Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the dogs of war."
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Abiy may be writing his own Ethiopian version 'Petals of Blood' @michaeltanchum
Law & Politics

@PMEthiopia has launched an unwinnable War on Tigray Province.

Ethiopia which was once the Poster child of the African Renaissance now has a Nobel Prize Winner whom I am reliably informed

PM Abiy His inner war cabinet includes Evangelicals who are counseling him he is "doing Christ's work"; that his faith is being "tested". @RAbdiAnalyst

@PMEthiopia has launched an unwinnable War on Tigray Province.

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20 JAN 20 :: The Intrusion of Middle Powers

Tigray: UAE drones supports Ethiopia Eritrea Hub
Law & Politics

It appears that the United Arab Emirates have begun conducting drone strikes against Tigray with its Wing Loong II UCAVs stationed in Eritrea.

Tigray and TPLF leader Getachew Ruda today in a recent tweet claimed that United Arab Emirates UAVs are supporting Ethiopian forces and Assab city of Eritrea is serving as drone base for UAE.

Fighting between Ethiopian forces and Tigray fighters in Tigray region of Ethiopia continues unabated, on Sunday 15 November, leader of the TPLF Debretsion Gebremichael said that his forces fired a volley of rockets at neighbouring Eritrea’s capital, Asmara.

“Those who attack Tigray will not just attack and return home. We will retaliate while they are here, and strike the airports from which they launched attacks,” said Debretsion. 

“There is no place that we can’t reach and we will continue to attack selected targets that the invading forces are using against us.”

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Zambia: as foreign inflows dried up, deficits are being financed by the central bank. Zambia has been in negotiations with the IMF since 2016 on a more sustainable policy mix. @BHilgenstockIIF @elinaribakova

December 9, 2019 Time to Big Up the Dosage of Quaaludes

Macro Notes from @elinaribakova @BHilgenstockIIF and @JadrankaPoljak updates our Debt Sustainability Analysis for Zambia, noting worsening debt dynamics. @IIF

South Africa All Share Bloomberg
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Dollar versus Rand Chart INO 15.4196
World Currencies
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Egypt Pound versus The Dollar 3 Month Chart INO 15.60
World Currencies
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Egypt EGX30 Bloomberg
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Nigeria All Share Bloomberg
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Ghana Stock Exchange Composite Index Bloomberg
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3 JUN 14 :: Mozambique: #Africarising - Mozambique Could Be the Next Qatar

EMATUM boats update, live from the quayside @TomBowk

31 OCT 16 :: Mozambique from Boom to Bust - A Cautionary Tale

Ematum’s results pointed to the fleet catching just $450,000 of tuna a year, compared with sales of $18-million forecast at that stage of its life in a 2013 feasibility study circulated by the government.

Maputo from the Sea #Africa

“The precocity of the Indian Ocean as a zone of long-range navigation and cultural exchange is one of the glaring facts of history’, made possible by the ‘reversible escalator’ of the monsoon.” [Pro- fessor Felipe Fernández-Armesto].

Etnografia Maputo Museum Mozambique #Africa

Samora Machel Praca de Independencia #Maputo

Just ten countries in Africa (1/5 of them) account for 75% of all Africa's exports - South Africa accounts for nearly 1/5 of all Africa's exports @RencapMan

Just ten countries in Africa (1/5 of them) account for 75% of all Africa's exports - with again South Africa still the most important among them for the world economy. With less than 4% of Africa's population, it accounts for nearly 1/5 of all Africa's exports

The most important African economy to the rest of the world is South Africa which accounts for 16% of all Africa's imports, followed by Egypt; together they account for 30% of all Africa's demand from the world. @RencapMan

North Africa is over 1/3 of all Africa's demand.

The reason intra-African trade is so low is because most exports are primary commodities. @RencapMan

Angola doesn't need Nigerian oil, Ivory Coast doesn't need Ghana's cocoa and Ethiopia doesn't need Kenya's tea. This will change with industrialisation 

29-JUL-2019 :: African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCTA) is a Silver Bullet particularly if we allow the free circulation of our People

Of course, the Devil is in the Details of the execution and such things can simply fall apart in a deluge of Non-Tariff Barriers but it is a Silver Bullet particularly if we allow the free circulation of our People

The Inter African Trade Agreement presents an enormous opportunity to transform Africa into the next global growth engine. 46% of traded good within Africa is value added while only 6% of goods exported out of Africa is value added - @UNCTADKituyi

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Bigger Sample Test Positivity 14.38% COVID-19: 1,459 more people test positive from 10,146 samples raising the country’s tally to 74,145, Health ministry says. @NationBreaking

Kenya Shilling versus The Dollar Live ForexPros 109.53 [Interbank is somewhere close to 111.00]
Kenyan Economy
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Nairobi All Share Bloomberg
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Nairobi ^NSE20 Bloomberg
N.S.E General
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Every Listed Share can be interrogated here
N.S.E General
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Gedi Ruins

1150AD gede/gedi -kenya settled by the bantu-speaking swahili btn the 12th and 16th cent. @rhaplord beads from Venice, coins and a Ming vase from China, an iron lamp from India, and scissors from Spain.

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by Aly Khan Satchu (rich.co.ke)
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