Thursday 23rd of September 2021
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Title: Bar, Las Vegas, Nevada Artist: Robert Frank
Presidential advice @nayibbukele
World Of Finance
First sunrise after 40 days of polar night in Murmansk, northern Russia. Can confirm people are losing it on the snowy dance floor @theo_merz
I just love this - Would love to be there on that day one day
The Pandemic is a Portal
She told him she dreamed about escaping. That was all she dreamed about. Paris, Texas (1984) dir. Wim Wenders @doctorow
Part of the lovely scenery from this morning’s meeting in parklands overlooking the nearby forest. @moseskemibaro
“...time was not passing...it was turning in a circle...” ― Gabriel García Márquez
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Ecclesiastes 1:2-11 2 Vanity[a] of vanities, says the Preacher
Vanity[a] of vanities, says the Preacher,
vanity of vanities! All is vanity.
A generation goes, and a generation comes,
but the earth remains forever.
The sun rises, and the sun goes down,
and hastens[b] to the place where it rises.
What has been is what will be,
and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun.
Is there a thing of which it is said,
“See, this is new”?
It has been already
in the ages before us.
There is no remembrance of former things, nor will there be any remembrance
of later things[d] yet to be
among those who come after.
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"What matters in life is not what happens to you but what you remember and how you remember it." - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
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"Time is a flat circle. Everything we have done or will do we will do over and over and over again- forever."
Sometimes, in a way, Chicago is like a modern Stonehenge. The way is east to west, and the time is today. #Today, and every equinox, the Sun will set exactly to the west, everywhere on Earth @Rainmaker1973
Masque (circa -1300; -1100) Place of creation: Medio-Assyrian Empire @MuseeLouvre
The World in the c21st exhibits viral, wildfire and exponential characteristics and feedback loops which only become obvious in hindsight.
Ancient Greek theatre masks. @ArtifactsHub
Cour Napoléon @MuseeLouvre @O_Louvre_jaime
Soviet leader Josef Stalin used to shrug off critics by his favorite Central Asian saying: "The dogs bark; the caravan moves on."
Law & Politics
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Political Reflections
Law & Politics
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We are on the edge of an abyss and the world must wake up, UN Secretary-General @antonioguterres warned at the General Assembly. #UNGA @cjxwh_hbt
Law & Politics
There is certainly a Fin de siecle even apocalyptic mood afoot.
Law & Politics
Paul Virilio cracks a joke: "the end of the world is a concept without a future"
Law & Politics
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“The future will belong to those who embrace human dignity, not trample it," he said #UNGA @Quicktake
Law & Politics
It’s shocking to be looking at the UK preparing for power cuts, soaring energy bills, food shortages, CO2 shortages, haulier shortages and the media still doing everything in its power to allow the govt to make out it’s Covid @FranS199
World Of Finance
Sitting here in Germany it’s shocking to be looking at the UK preparing for power cuts, soaring energy bills, food shortages, CO2 shortages, haulier shortages and the media still doing everything in its power to allow the govt to make out it’s Covid and not #BrexitChaos
Now Is The Winter Of Our Discontent
Law & Politics
“Now is the winter of our discontent” is the opening of a speech by William Shakespeare from Richard III.
It was also used to describe the profound industrial unrest that took place in 1978—9 in the United Kingdom.
Prime Minister Callaghan was asked by a reporter
"What is your general approach, in view of the mounting chaos in the country at the moment?" and replied:
Well, that's a judgment that you are making. I promise you that if you look at it from outside, and perhaps you're taking rather a parochial view at the moment, I don't think that other people in the world would share the view that there is mounting chaos.
The next day's edition of The Sun headlined its story "Crisis? What crisis?"
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This is likely to get messier>> U.K. Power Firms Stop Taking New Customers as Crisis Escalates @chigrl
World Of Finance
Latest @WHO #COVID19 Sit Rep @mvankerkhove
Lowest weekly count for 9 weeks.
Weekly epidemiological update on COVID-19 - 21 September 2021 @WHO
The numbers of weekly COVID-19 cases and deaths globally continued to decline this week, with over 3.6 million cases and just under 60 000 deaths reported between 13-19 September.
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19-JUL-2021 :: So, my Point is this, our Attention span is short and Many Folks seem to feel we are in the final Act of the COVID-19 Play. I would be limit short that particular narrative.
19-JUL-2021 :: COVID-19
The Virus remains unresolved.
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As to the goal of reaching herd immunity— “With the emergence of Delta, I realized that it’s just impossible to reach that,” says Müge Çevik University of St. Andrews. Via @ScienceMagazine @kakape
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What happens next depends not only on vaccination, but also on how the virus might mutate. @derspiegel
"This virus keeps surprising us," agrees Mary Bushman, a mathematician and population biologist at Harvard University’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
"No one expected such large jumps in contagiousness.”
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This aged like milk. It was sour the day it was created, in fact. @AndrewNoymer
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." - Professor Allen Bartlett
.@gdemaneuf (@Gilles Demaneuf) Tweeted: Good summary by @SharriMarkson ‘Beyond doubt’ there was an ‘incident’ at the Wuhan Institute of Virology
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01-MAR-2020 :: The Origin of the #CoronaVirus #COVID19
What is clear is that the #COVID19 was bio-engineered The Science [and I am not a Scientist is irrefutable and in the public domain for those with a modicum of intellectual interest.
This information is being deliberately suppressed.
This took me to Thomas Pynchon
“If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.”
“There's always more to it. This is what history consists of. It is the sum total of the things they aren't telling us.”
Now Why are we being led away from this irrefutable Truth
“No matter how the official narrative of this turns out," it seemed to Heidi
Thomas Pynchon in Bleeding Edge “No matter how the official narrative of this turns out," it seemed to Heidi, "these are the places we should be looking, not in newspapers or television but at the margins, graffiti, uncontrolled utterances, bad dreamers who sleep in public and scream in their sleep.”
The documentary What Really Happened in Wuhan by @SharriMarkson is superb. Here is the audio.
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Xi has taken calculated risks. The muscular and multi-faceted nature of Chinese Power is seen in its handling of COVID19
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A whistleblower leaked a 2018 Daszak funding proposal that details how he and Wuhan Institute of Virology would genetically engineer a “human-specific” furin cleavage site into bat coronaviruses @HansMahncke
A whistleblower leaked a 2018 Daszak funding proposal that details how he and Wuhan Institute of Virology would genetically engineer a “human-specific” furin cleavage site into bat coronaviruses–exactly what we see in the bat coronavirus that emerged in Wuhan in 2019
27-JUL-2020 It is impossible to ignore the introduction of a PRRA insert between S1 and S2: it sticks out like a splinter. This insert creates the furin cleavage site
#DRASTIC EXCLUSIVE: Leaked 2018 EcoHealth proposal to DARPA --> Project DEFUSE. @TheSeeker268
04-JAN-2021 :: Today only the Paid for Propagandists and Virologists will argue that there is a ''zoonotic'' origin for COVID19.
Today only the Paid for Propagandists and Virologists and WHO will argue that there is a ''zoonotic'' origin for COVID19.
It is remarkable that the Propaganda is still being propagated more than a year later.
Those who have chosen to propagate this narrative are above the radar and in plain sight and need to be called to account.
The Utter Failure to call these 5th columnists to Account is the clearest Signal that there is no external threat because it is already on the inside.
I call for Peter Daszak to immediately be removed from both @TheLancet #COVID19 commission & the @WHO convened int’l expert group on pandemic origins. Join me. @JamieMetzl
As a first step toward overcoming the shocking obfuscation & misinformation campaign, I call for Peter Daszak to immediately be removed from both @TheLancet #COVID19 commission & the @WHO convened int’l expert group on pandemic origins. Join me.
The @MarionKoopmans @Peterfoodsafety @WHO -convened int'l expert group on #COVID19 origins is in a real bind. @JamieMetzl
The @MarionKoopmans @Peterfoodsafety @WHO -convened int'l expert group on #COVID19 origins is in a real bind. If Peter Daszak disclosed DEFUSE, they are all complicit in this coverup. If he didn't, they should demand his removal for material nondisclosure.
13-JUL-2020 :: Year of the Virus ’Zoonotic’’ origin was one that was accelerated in the Laboratory
Peter Daszak and the EcoHealth Alliance (EHA) proposed injecting deadly chimeric bat coronaviruses collected by the Wuhan Institute of Virology into humanised and “batified” mice.
The EHA / WIV proposal (named ‘DEFUSE’) was ultimately rejected for full funding (but leaving open the door for partial funding), in part because it mis-interpreted the GOF guidelines.
In other words, a branch of the federal government had already judged aspects of EHA’s research, and the corresponding shared research plan with the WIV, as falling under the definition of GOF, only for HHS to approve similar work without P3CO review in 2018 and 2019.
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A common circumstantial evidence in murder trial are computer searches showing that BEFORE the murder, the accused was investigating the very method used in the crime. EcoHealth 2018 grant c GoF, serial passage, S1/S2 cleavage site insertion, furin, etc
23-AUG-2021 :: Xi Jinping is on a winning streak ever since he started salami slicing his then adversary President Obama.
It is inevitable he will roll the dice on Taiwan and imminently.
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Opérations d’influence : les «Trois Guerres» du Parti communiste chinois @libe
Dans un volumineux rapport publié lundi, deux chercheurs de l’Institut de recherche stratégique de l’Ecole militaire, Jean-Baptiste Jeangène Vilmer et Paul Charon, décryptent les multiples outils déployés par Pékin pour imposer ses vues en Chine et à l’étranger.
In a voluminous report published Monday, two researchers from the Strategic Research Institute of the Ecole Militaire, Jean-Baptiste Jeangène Vilmer and Paul Charon, decipher the multiple tools used by Beijing to impose its views in China and abroad.
Une base militaire domiciliée dans une piscine, un hôtel dans lequel on ne peut pas réserver de chambre, des maisons d’édition ou des stations de radio faux nez, des cohortes d’influenceurs rémunérés, des mégabases de données pour repérer les cibles… Dans leur rapport de 646 pages intitulé «les Opérations d’influence chinoises, un moment machiavélien», publié lundi par l’Institut de recherche stratégique de l’Ecole militaire (Irsem), un centre de recherche rattaché au ministère des Armées, les chercheurs Jean-Baptiste Jeangène Vilmer et Paul Charon exposent le gigantesque système construit par le Parti communiste chinois (PCC) pour développer son influence à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur de ses frontières. Un système qui semble doté de moyens financiers illimités, utilisé pour séduire, contraindre, contrôler, désinformer, désorienter ou réduire au silence tous ceux qui pourraient représenter une menace pour la survie et l’hégémonie du PCC, et s’opposer à son ambition de devenir la première puissance mondiale.
Libération et d’autres médias et chercheurs avaient déjà décrypté de nombreuses stratégies chinoises d’influence à l’étranger, via sa diplomatie, les médias, les universités, la diaspora ou encore la culture, et les tactiques d’intimidation dont notre journal a pu faire les frais. A partir de très nombreuses sources chinoises ouvertes, les auteurs ont reconstitué l’architecture de la myriade de départements, bureaux, unités, ministères, ligues de jeunesse et plateformes dédiés à cet objectif à tous les niveaux du Parti, de l’Etat, de l’armée et des grandes entreprises.
A military base domiciled in a swimming pool, a hotel in which you cannot reserve a room, publishing houses or fake radio stations, cohorts of paid influencers, megabases of data to identify targets ... In their 646-page report entitled "Operations of Chinese influence, a Machiavellian moment", published Monday by the Strategic Research Institute of the Military School (Irsem), a research center attached to the Ministry of the Armed Forces, researchers Jean -Baptist Jeangène Vilmer and Paul Charon expose the gigantic system built by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to develop its influence inside and outside its borders. A system that seems endowed with unlimited financial means, used to seduce, coerce, control, misinform, disorientate or silence all those who could pose a threat to the survival and hegemony of the CCP, and oppose its ambition to become the world's leading power.
Liberation and other media and researchers had already deciphered many Chinese strategies of influence abroad, via its diplomacy, the media, universities, the diaspora or even culture, and the intimidation tactics of which our newspaper has could pay the price. From a large number of open Chinese sources, the authors have reconstructed the architecture of the myriad of departments, offices, units, ministries, youth leagues and platforms dedicated to this objective at all levels of the Party, the State, the the army and big business.
Pilotée au plus haut niveau du régime chinois, cette stratégie s’appuie sur le Front uni, une organisation historique et tentaculaire au sein du Parti, «destinée à éliminer ses ennemis intérieurs et extérieurs et projeter son influence jusqu’à l’étranger de telle sorte que même des individus et groupes vivant dans des sociétés libérales s’autocensurent et évitent de prendre position contre le PCC». Mais elle a aussi pour guide, officiellement depuis 2003, le concept des «Trois Guerres» menées par l’Armée populaire de libération chinoise. Soit la «guerre de l’opinion» (rallier à sa cause, déclencher les émotions et dicter le comportement des publics visés), la «guerre psychologique» (démoraliser les forces armées, briser la confiance entre le peuple et le gouvernement des pays ennemis) et la «guerre du droit» (utiliser ou créer des lois pour dissuader, contraindre ou punir). Les opérations sont pilotées depuis la base militaire 311, située dans la ville de Fuzhou, dont les chercheurs français publient des photos aériennes et ont pu reconstituer l’organigramme.
Pratiques soviétiques
Comme un des auteurs l’expliquait dans une note de recherche que Libé s’était procurée, certaines méthodes sont directement inspirées des pratiques soviétiques. L’opération massive de désinformation lancée en février 2020 par le régime chinois pour désigner les Etats-Unis comme responsables de la pandémie de Covid-19 a ainsi tout du copié-collé de l’opération «Infektion» menée en 1985 par l’Union soviétique sur la supposée création du sida par l’armée américaine. Sur plusieurs centaines de pages, Jean-Baptiste Jeangène Vilmer et Paul Charon dressent un catalogue impressionnant des actions menées par le régime chinois à l’étranger jusqu’à ces dernières semaines, repérées par des journalistes ou des chercheurs.
Leurs études de cas des opérations de déstabilisation et d’intimidation menées en Suède et au Canada ces quatre dernières années sont particulièrement éclairantes, même si les résultats sont pour l’instant mitigés, voire contreproductifs. Certes, le régime chinois n’est pas le seul à chercher à étendre son influence sur la planète et à user de méthodes plus ou moins légitimes, et la Chine reste un partenaire économique ou scientifique incontournable. Mais son système politique autoritaire à parti unique et son ambition affichée d’imposer un nouvel ordre mondial devraient inciter tous les décideurs politiques, économiques et académiques à se familiariser avec certaines de ses méthodes.
Led at the highest level of the Chinese regime, this strategy is based on the United Front, a historic and sprawling organization within the Party, "intended to eliminate its internal and external enemies and to project its influence abroad as such. so that even individuals and groups living in liberal societies censor themselves and avoid taking a stand against the CCP ”. But it has also been guided, officially since 2003, by the concept of the "Three Wars" led by the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Either the “war of opinion” (rallying to one's cause, triggering emotions and dictating the behavior of target audiences), “psychological warfare” (demoralizing the armed forces, breaking the trust between the people and the government of enemy countries ) and the “war of law” (using or creating laws to deter, coerce or punish). The operations are piloted from the 311 military base, located in the city of Fuzhou, whose French researchers publish aerial photos and were able to reconstruct the organization chart.
Soviet practices
As one of the authors explained in a research note that Libé had obtained, some methods are directly inspired by Soviet practices. The massive disinformation operation launched in February 2020 by the Chinese regime to designate the United States as responsible for the Covid-19 pandemic has thus all the copy-pasted of the operation "Infektion" carried out in 1985 by the Union Soviet on the supposed creation of AIDS by the US military. Over several hundred pages, Jean-Baptiste Jeangène Vilmer and Paul Charon draw up an impressive catalog of actions carried out by the Chinese regime abroad until recent weeks, spotted by journalists and researchers.
Their case studies of destabilization and intimidation in Sweden and Canada over the past four years are particularly illuminating, although the results so far have been mixed, if not counterproductive. Of course, the Chinese regime is not the only one seeking to extend its influence on the planet and to use more or less legitimate methods, and China remains an essential economic or scientific partner. But its authoritarian one-party political system and its stated ambition to impose a new world order should inspire all political, economic and academic decision-makers to familiarize themselves with some of its methods.
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They now turn to rule over the people by means of what could be dubbed "big data totalitarianism" and "WeChat terror." @ChinaFile #COVID19 #CCP100 #CPC100
You will all be no better than fields of garlic chives, giving yourselves up to being harvested by the blade of power, time and time again. @ChinaFile #COVID19
[ “garlic chives,” Allium tuberosum, often used as a metaphor to describe an endlessly renewable resource.]
What is thriving, however, is all that ridiculous ―Red Culture and the nauseating adulation that the system heaps on itself via shameless pro-Party hacks who chirrup hosannahs at every turn @ChinaFile #COVID19
Michel Foucault describes the prisoner of a panopticon as being at the receiving end of asymmetrical surveillance: “He is seen, but he does not see; he is an object of information, never a subject in communication.” @hervegogo
05-MAR-2018 :: China has unveiled a Digital Panopticon in Xinjiang #CCP100 #CPC100
China has unveiled a Digital Panopticon in Xinjiang where a combination of data from video surveillance, face and license plate recognition, mobile device locations, and official records to identify targets for detention.
Xinjiang is surely a precursor for how the CCP will manage dissent. The actions in Xinjiang are part of the regional authorities’ ongoing “strike-hard” campaign, and of Xi’s “stability maintenance” and “enduring peace” drive in the region.
Xi Jinping is both Sun Tzu ‘'The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting'' And hard edged at the same time. #CCP100 #CPC100
International Markets
World Of Finance
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Goldilocks Is Dying @Nouriel
World Of Finance
The last scenario would feature a growth slowdown.
Weakening aggregate demand would turn out to be not just a transitory scare but a harbinger of the new normal, particularly if monetary and fiscal stimulus is withdrawn too soon.
In this case, lower aggregate demand and slower growth would lead to lower inflation, stocks would correct to reflect the weaker growth outlook, and bond yields would fall further (because real yields and inflation expectations would be lower).
The Panglossian scenario that is currently priced into financial markets may eventually turn out to be a pipe dream.
Rather than fixating on Goldilocks, economic observers should remember Cassandra, whose warnings were ignored until it was too late.
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09-MAY-2021 The Lotos-eaters
World Of Finance
Consensus View appears to be that the Global economy is going to accelerate big time and that its going to BOOM! I beg to differ
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Mirrors on the ceiling, The Pink champagne on ice
World Of Finance
And when the Feedback Loop kicks in I expect it to kick big to the downside
However, there are many discordant notes.
23-AUG-2021 :: The Music has been playing for Eternity and its about to stop
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Love Fellini. So brave, with that whiff of insanity. @DiAmatoStyle Federico Fellini's 8 1/2 @tcm
The paradox of inflation is that employment, investment, and wealth all boom before the whole house of cards collapses. @naval
23-AUG-2021 :: I believe we are now headed to < than 0.5% $TNX
World Of Finance
The real black swan will be a deflationary shock. @DarkPoolTrade
World Of Finance
19-JUL-2021 :: limit long the US Ultra Bond because I recall Japan and the words of that iconic Eagles song ''Hotel California''
World Of Finance
Currency Markets at a Glance WSJ
World Currencies
Euro 1.1709
Dollar Index 93.349
Japan Yen 109.89
Swiss Franc 0.9259
Pound 1.3637
Aussie 0.7245
India Rupee 73.7615
South Korea Won 1178.145
Brazil Real 5.2891
Egypt Pound 15.7098
South Africa Rand 14.76
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World Currencies
Euro versus the Dollar Chart 1.1709
World Currencies
Evergrande is this week's FinTwit Dopamine, less credit expansion and global gdp growth will be its legacy... @hendry_hugh
World Of Finance
Invigorated fascist regime intent on rolling back capitalism, hammers its best wealth creation engines, outlaws credit scoring @hendry_hugh
World Of Finance
Invigorated fascist regime intent on rolling back capitalism, hammers its best wealth creation engines, outlaws credit scoring and now has to ponder whether to sacrifice its absurd GDP growth targets as they deal with an over indebted property sector. I'm loving their quandary.
Do they continue to purge capitalism (beat the winners) and bail out the property sector (support the losers) @hendry_hugh https://twitter.com/hendry_hugh/status/1440786237158088707?s=20
World Of Finance
Do they continue to purge capitalism (beat the winners) and bail out the property sector (support the losers) all paid for in ordinary Joe wages that seem too low. Is a losers' bail the ultimate rejection of the free-market system? Puff on that Xi...and your Princes of the Yuan.
The GOV will bail, of course they will, they're just loving the suspense of keeping us guessing and I bet they're already lathered up by the orgasmic exaltation of their omnipotence that a bail will surely reveal...skip to my final comments
Except, I'm not sure that a bail now can avoid a permanent "2008" style loss of GDP? The entire Chinese property sector gig is based on apportioning zero credit risk to a v risky undertaking. Leaving ordinary people to underwriting the risks of the big guys, 'tis always the way.
So the pertinent question is - after they bail - will private sector agents immediately adopt their previous zero credit risk analysis? If not then a permanent loss of GDP is coming. Perversely this would be good for wealth creation but that's for another time or revolution...
All I'll say is that the present system creates GDP growth at the expense of wealth except for the winner takes all tech ecosystems and we all know what's happened to them.
Remember, it wasn't the Fed raising rates 2004-06 that crashed the global bank crash in 2008. NOPE. It was private banks - actually it was JPM - reassessing their credit risk model. That did it in for LEH @hendry_hugh
World Of Finance
Remember, it wasn't the Fed raising rates 2004-06 that crashed the global bank crash in 2008. NOPE. It was private banks - actually it was JPM - reassessing their credit risk model. That did it in for LEH, and ushered in more than a decade of lean gdp growth in the West
Remember all those Michelin Stars awarded to junk MBS?? And credit booms create gdp growth. And Chinese property debt is nothing more than a MBS backed by the Chinese state...@hendry_hugh
World Of Finance
The parallels are eerily similar. US credit gushed because lending risk was assumed zero. Remember all those Michelin Stars awarded to junk MBS?? And credit booms create gdp growth. And Chinese property debt is nothing more than a MBS backed by the Chinese state...
And Local Gov Fin Vehicles - $8.4 T ! They're practically gilt edged securities owing to those recurring land sales and the implicit government bail. I bet you could probably dump a ton of them at the primary dealers' collateral window and get a good fist of new credit.
Good collateral has replaced gold or fiat currency as base money and since the aforementioned crisis of 2008 there's been a shortage of good collateral. @hendry_hugh
World Of Finance
I don't subscribe to the house of cards / everything crazy o/valued rhetoric of Fin Media. Mkts kind of close to right - imo - good collateral has replaced gold or fiat currency as base money and since the aforementioned crisis of 2008 there's been a shortage of good collateral.
Riskless and therefore scarce collateral has become priceless, and everything else, because it's useless as collateral, has probably become undervalued. @hendry_hugh
World Of Finance
Riskless and therefore scarce collateral has become priceless, and everything else, because it's useless as collateral, has probably become undervalued. Altho I hate that term. I was schooled to think, lowly rated. That's a term that'll keep you out of trouble.
08-FEB-2021 :: The Markets Are Wilding
World Of Finance
Anyways...obviously riskless assets are rather short in supply. And with little to feed into the collateral / alchemy machine of loan creation, there's been damp credit creation since 2008 everywhere except that is for China. @hendry_hugh
World Of Finance
Try handing a DJ your favourite track on a cassette next time you're at a club. Bank reserves are not accepted as collateral. QE is not the solution. Modern credit creation needs collateral @hendry_hugh
World Of Finance
It's why Fed lies about printing money. Modern credit system has no use for bank reserves. Try handing a DJ your favourite track on a cassette next time you're at a club. Bank reserves are not accepted as collateral. QE is not the solution. Modern credit creation needs collateral
Now if you got good collateral then the world's your oyster my boy ! But it has to be thought of as riskless. US T Bills...hell yeah! Gold...sure, Good, liquid corp debt ...why not, we'll give it a shot...and when fannies are really up they might even accept FANG type stocks ...
I'm talking of course about the dark web of the offshore eurodollar market. That's where huge dealer banks daily go into each new day offering new credit, lines, provided you can post sound collateral that is. @hendry_hugh
World Of Finance
I bet they probably accepted all the $ quoted Chinese LGFV paper as collateral to support other risky ventures in the Chinese swamp. That, and for sure, the + $200 B in China prop dev debt...that was long ago pledged in the collateral window for another go on the credit carousel
So to get at the meat of it, the bail or no bail story hinges on the intangible forces of speculation - will the huge dealer banks reconsider their credit analysis like JPM did over the summer of 2008? Has property debt and that ocean of LGFV paper lost its riskless monicker?
Only that will determine whether China suffers a loss of permanent gdp. And I'm foolish enough to say that it's unavoidable. China's banks are gonna run short of $ collateral to post at upcoming windows. So let's watch as the PBoC slashes the amount banks need hold in reserve
Fat lot of good that will do. Fin-tech sounded a great idea until the state killed it...#FreeJack...and so its back to the remedy of the ordinary bloke taking another hit - Wealth Management and yuan per capita wages are gonna get hosed again.
What's the play you dope junkies screech. I bet there's a cunning fx/fixed income trade. $ liquidity is getting squeaky tight. The impulse is CNH weakens. 7.50 strikes Problem is that fx has always been managed cheap @hendry_hugh
World Of Finance
What's the play you dope junkies screech. I bet there's a cunning fx/fixed income trade. $ liquidity is getting squeaky tight. The impulse is CNH weakens. 7.50 strikes ? I'd need to price up and only when the dope release unwinds. Problem is that fx has always been managed cheap
Makes me think PBoC managed FX and bank lending conscious not to repeat the Nikkei bubble. Where did it get them? Both flared to around 17pc of world GDP and bubbles ? Hard to say that the Chinese avoided asset bubbles. Asian philosophies seem fickle and destined to be rejected.
The BoJ came to reject bank expansion exhortations as it became disgusted by the gains of the noveau riches. @hendry_hugh
World Of Finance
The BoJ came to reject bank expansion exhortations as it became disgusted by the gains of the noveau riches. They tightened monetary policy in a devastating manner. And China and its new common prosperity rhetoric sounds like the second coming of the Princes of the Ye(UA)n...
19-JUL-2021 :: limit long the US Ultra Bond because I recall Japan
World Of Finance
Markets pursue Disney outcomes right until the end... take your time or you're never gonna make it...Evergrande is clickbait. Change, even momentous, travels slow. @hendry_hugh
World Of Finance
Markets pursue Disney outcomes right until the end... take your time or you're never gonna make it...Evergrande is clickbait. Change, even momentous, travels slow. Hell, Wells Fargo peaked (!) only weeks before LEH collapsed. Vicarious happiness bumps prevail until they don't.
23-AUG-2021 :: ZigZag
World Of Finance
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Dornbusch's Law: Financial crises take much longer to happen than you would think & then they happen much faster than you would have thought. @MihrThakar
World Of Finance
And copiously study global deflationary trades. @hendry_hugh
World Of Finance
Chuckle don't gloat when the FT quotes experts saying that unless regulators seriously mismanage it, a systemic crisis in China is unlikely. Sigh when they publish BIG asset managers telling you how better placed China is via RoW. And copiously study global deflationary trades.
The paradox of inflation is that employment, investment, and wealth all boom before the whole house of cards collapses. @naval
World Of Finance
"We must not forget that housing is for living in, not for speculation," Xi said during China's 19th National Party Congress in November 2017. @lajohnstondr
World Of Finance
What if this is a deliberate well considered controlled detonation?
China’s property market remains one of the most important industries globally. It accounts directly and indirectly for approx 25% of China’s GDP. This is just the beginning. @dlacalle_IA
World Of Finance
Chinese cities ask developers to stop discount gimmicks as local governments seek to prevent a collapse in home prices | South China Morning Post There are unconfirmed reports of people unable to sell in big cities. @sunchartist
World Of Finance
Chinese cities ask developers to stop discount gimmicks as local governments seek to prevent a collapse in home prices South China Morning Post
World Of Finance
At least eight cities in mainland China, from Zhuzhou in southern Hunan province to Huizhou in the Greater Bay Area, have come up with measures to prevent developers from offering excessively cheap homes to stabilise the market and prevent a collapse in prices.
The housing authorities in Zhuzhou earlier this month summoned executives of four local developers and a few property agencies, asking them to stop selling homes at prices that were “obviously lower than the market level”, and urged them to end gimmicks such as deep discounts to tempt buyers.
The summons came after local residents posted on social media that units in three projects in the city’s downtown district were priced at some 5,000 yuan (US$773) per square metre, much lower than the average home price of nearly 7,600 yuan.
“Some developers, as a gimmick, put some extremely cheap homes in a project to lure buyers and boost sales,” said Yan Yuejin, director of Shanghai-based E-house China Research and Development Institute.
“This could severely disturb the housing market, which is the last thing the central government would like to see.”
“If such discounted home prices change people’s expectations and everyone starts to believe that home prices will go down, it would be too late to intervene and stabilise the housing market,” said Li Yujia, senior economist with the Real Estate Assessment and Development Research Centre, a research arm of the Shenzhen government.
“We will see more local governments act quickly and nip them in the bud.”
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"There is enough empty property in China to house over 90m people. Thus, countries such as France, Germany, Italy, the UK and Canada could fit their entire populations into those empty Chinese apartments with room to spare." FT @JKynge
World Of Finance
China's debt bomb is ticking faster and Evergrande is just part of a much bigger problem. @TaviCosta
World Of Finance
In my opinion, the PBOC will be forced to act and a currency devaluation is the next macro development to unfold.
13-AUG-2019 :: The most important currency to watch right now is the USDCNH The Feedback Loop Phenomenon
World Of Finance
Xi is relying on Chinese resilience “If there is a decoupling between the two economies, so be it. The Chinese people can endure more pain than the spoiled and hubristic Americans''
World Of Finance
Apr 13, 2020 1/12 Durante a história tivemos diversos exemplos semelhantes de países comunistas que atingiram níveis de dividas internas e externas insustentáveis e que sofreram colapsos marcantes.
World Of Finance
19 APR 20 :: Tavi Costa tweeted
World Of Finance
1/12 A idealização do sucesso econômico Chinês sempre foi uma grande farsa. Durante a história tivemos diversos exemplos semelhantes de países comunistas que atingiram níveis de dividas internas e externas insustentáveis e que sofreram colapsos marcantes.
1/12 The idealization of Chinese economic success has always been a big scam. Throughout history we have had several similar examples of communist countries that have reached unsustainable levels of internal and external debt and have suffered marked collapses.
2/12 Para elaborar nessa proposição, considere a seguinte reflexão. De acordo com o PIB publicado pelo governo chinês, a China foi responsável por mais de 60% do crescimento econômico global desde 2008.
2/12 To elaborate on this proposition, consider the following reflection. According to GDP published by the Chinese government, China has accounted for more than 60% of global economic growth since 2008.
3/12 Com isso, ela passou a ser, incomparavelmente, a maior importadora de commodities no mundo. Se caso o seu crescimento de PIB tivesse sido tão expressivo, como justificaríamos a queda geral de preços de commodities no mundo?
3/12 As a result, it has become, by far, the largest importer of commodities in the world. If your GDP growth had been so expressive, how would we justify the general drop in commodity prices in the world?
4/12 Curiosamente, esse período marcou uma das piores décadas para esse mercado na história. É incontestável a contradição entre esses números, presumivelmente mais apurados, e os números “criados” pelo próprio governo comunista Chinês.
4/12 Interestingly, this period marked one of the worst decades for this market in history. The contradiction between these numbers, presumably more accurate, and the numbers “created” by the Chinese communist government is undeniable.
Commodity Markets at a Glance WSJ
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Gold INO 1764.00
Crude Oil INO 72.37
Minerals, Oil & Energy
Brazil's central bank raises interest rates by 100 bps, for a second consecutive time, to 6.25%. Sees another 100 bps hike at the next meeting. @ReutersJamie
Emerging Markets
African Region Weekly epidemiological update on COVID-19 - 21 September 2021 @WHO
The African Region reported over 98 000 new cases, a case incidence similar to that of the previous week, following a consistent decline in the number of new weekly cases over the past two months.
While most of the countries in the region reported a decline in case incidence, several countries reported an increase including Botswana, Burundi and Zimbabwe.
The majority of countries in the region reported a decline in the number of new deaths last week.
The highest numbers of new cases were reported from
South Africa (26 115 new cases; 44 new cases per 100 000 population; 35% decrease)
Uganda (22 511 new cases; 49.2 new cases per 100 000)
Ethiopia (9266 new cases; 8.1 new cases per 100 000; figures similar to those of the previous week).
The highest numbers of new deaths were reported from
South Africa (1365 new deaths; 2.3 new deaths per 100 000 population; 14% decrease)
Ethiopia (208 new deaths; <1 new deaths per 100 000, 18% increase)
Algeria (112 new deaths; <1 new deaths per 100 000; 39% decrease).
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Africa is currently reporting a million new infections about every 38 days @ReutersGraphics
Burundi is at Peak
Egypt reports highest number of new infections since June
‘We haven’t been spared, we’re just not counting’: Sudan’s hidden Covid death toll @Telegraph
Drinking The Kool Aid
19-JUL-2021 :: So, my Point is this, our Attention span is short and Many Folks seem to feel we are in the final Act of the COVID-19 Play. I would be limit short that particular narrative.
A study of an HIV-positive woman in South Africa showed that she harbored the coronavirus for 216 days, during which time it mutated considerably. In fact, 30 times @business
The longer Covid-19 persists in its host, the longer it sheds, or reproduces, and that’s when it mutates.
“There is good evidence that prolonged infection in immunocompromised individuals is one mechanism for the emergence” of Covid-19 variants, de Oliveira said.
“People who are immunocompromised shed for much longer. Viral evolution happens when you are shedding,” says Glenda Gray, the president of the South African Medical Research Council.
“Speed and coverage is important to make sure that people who are HIV-positive are getting vaccinated.”
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28-MAR-2021 we are seeing a sustained acceleration in mutant viruses.
European officials are not elected to negotiate good deals FOR Africa. Chinese government officials are not evaluated on how well they advocate FOR African interests. This is the responsibility of African leaders @gyude_moore
European officials are not elected to negotiate good deals FOR Africa. Chinese government officials are not evaluated on how well they advocate FOR African interests. This is the responsibility of African leaders and if you think coordination is expensive, try being disorganized.
What we have not articulated is what we DO want. We need a set of Common African Positions on partnerships - whether with China, the US or with Europe. @gyude_moore
WE have repeatedly (including yours truly) argued that we DON'T want to be drawn into a new Cold War. What we have not articulated is what we DO want. We need a set of Common African Positions on partnerships - whether with China, the US or with Europe.
#FOCAC is in weeks and nobody knows what Africans will place on the table as their negotiating position with China. We can't outsource our foreign policy to China. @gyude_moore
#FOCAC is in weeks and nobody knows what Africans will place on the table as their negotiating position with China. But high ranking Chinese foreign ministry officials have regularly outlined the "win-win" outcomes they expect. We can't outsource our foreign policy to China.
19-APR-2020 :: The End of Vanity China Africa Win Win
@SudanPMHamdok convenes council of ministers. The "orchestrated coup by parties inside & outside the armed forces"..."clearly indicates the need to reform the #security & #military apparatus." @PatrickHeinisc1
Following today's coup attempt, @SudanPMHamdok convenes council of ministers. The "orchestrated coup by parties inside & outside the armed forces"..."clearly indicates the need to reform the #security & #military apparatus."
10-JUN-2019 :: The ‘’zeitgeist’’ of the Revolution in Khartoum was intoxicating.
As I watched events unfold it felt like Sudan was a portal into a whole new normal.
Hugh Masekela said ‘’I want to be there when the people start to turn it around.’’ Sudan is a Masekela pivot moment.
Ethiopia Seeks @IMFNews Deal After France, China Lead Creditors Panel @bpolitics
Ethiopia asked the International Monetary Fund for a new extended credit facility arrangement, days after France and China co-chaired the first meeting for the nation’s major creditors.
Setting up a creditors’ panel and an agreement on how to deal with Ethiopia’s nearly $30 billion of external debt paves the way for the IMF to determine how to engage with the country on economic recovery.
The government requested a new IMF credit arrangement to replace the one that just expired, State Minister for Finance Eyob Tekalign told reporters in the capital, Addis Ababa.
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November 8, 2020 Ethiopia which was once the Poster child of the African Renaissance
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Ethiopia's dollar bond now trades at around 86 cents Reuters
"We have been assuring them (Eurobond investors) strongly that the government has no solvency issues," Eyob said.
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‘The genie out of the bottle’ @AfricanBizMag
It’s impossible for the state to manage a guerrilla war up there and at the same time manage to control the rest of the country.
9-JUL-2021 :: The Contagion will surely boomerang and destabilise the Horn of Africa for the forseeable future.
If I could I would be limit short the Ethiopian Birr [It trades at 60 to the $ on the black market]
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South Africa All Share Bloomberg
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Dollar versus Rand Chart INO 14.71
Egypt Pound versus The Dollar Chart INO 15.7098
Nigeria Sells $4 Billion of Eurobonds on Investor Demand Surge @bpolitics
“The order book peaked at $12.2 billion,” it said. “The size of the order book and the quality of investors demonstrates confidence in Nigeria.
The Eurobond was issued in three tranches:
7 years - $1.25 billion at 6.125% p.a.
12 years - $1.5 billion at 7.375% p.a.
30 years - $1.25 billion at 8.25% p.a.
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Ghana Stock Exchange Composite Index Bloomberg
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Exports in the 7 months to July 2021 v. a similar period last year: @MihrThakar
Kenyan Economy
Quantity of:
Coffee -9%
Tea flat
Cut flowers +26%
Fruits +41%
Vegetables +31%
Yield (Kshs.) per MT:
Coffee +30%
Tea flat
Cut flowers -31%
Fruits -34%
Veg -9%
Kenya's fertility rate has dropped from 8.05 children per woman in 1970 to 3.37 children per woman in 2020 @SeweS_
Kenya Shilling versus The Dollar Live ForexPros
World Currencies
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Nairobi All Share Bloomberg
N.S.E General
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Nairobi ^NSE20 Bloomberg
N.S.E General
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N.S.E General
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