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Satchu's Rich Wrap-Up
Wednesday 24th of February 2021

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Macro Thoughts
World Of Finance
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08-FEB-2021 :: The Markets Are Wilding
World Of Finance

Stuck up in this market where there's no bids @coloradotravis
World Of Finance

Chills around your body, ‘bout to flip lids

Drop so fast you wanna call the po po

Tick tick of the tape droppin’ so low


Ain't nobody living by an honor code @coloradotravis
World Of Finance

Algos ripping tryna bring dollar home

Rally round your book, boy, call your gunners

You looking at a savage, run for cover


"Markets" - they're broken & have zero integrity. They've devolved into a casino. @TheBubbleBubble
World Of Finance

2-year treasury auction fetches a yield BELOW the regulated minimum. @DavidInglesTV
World Of Finance

08-FEB-2021 Negative rates are the only escape hatch
World Of Finance

The Treasury sold $60 billion of 2-year notes today at a premium, above 100 cents on the dollar, something that’s never happened before. @lisaabramowicz1
World Of Finance

The front end of the us interest rate curve is flirting with negative
World Of Finance

Home Thoughts
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Mark Rothko | 1951 @_Emmet_Emmet

“You think my paintings are calm, like windows in some cathedral? You should look again. I'm the most violent of all the American painters. Behind those colours there hides the final cataclysm." ~ Mark Rothko
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"Silence is so accurate" - Mark Rothko. @nehab16
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Meanwhile in London @CrimeLdn

The Way We Live Now
World Of Finance

"We learn nothing from history except that we learn nothing from history." Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 - 43 BC) @BallouxFrancois

Ecclesiastes 1:2-11 2 11 There is no remembrance of former things,[c] nor will there be any remembrance of later things[d] yet to be among those who come after.

Vanity[a] of vanities, says the Preacher,
    vanity of vanities! All is vanity.
3 What does man gain by all the toil
    at which he toils under the sun?
4 A generation goes, and a generation comes,
    but the earth remains forever.
5 The sun rises, and the sun goes down,
    and hastens[b] to the place where it rises.
6 The wind blows to the south
    and goes around to the north;
around and around goes the wind,
    and on its circuits the wind returns.
7 All streams run to the sea,
    but the sea is not full;
to the place where the streams flow,
    there they flow again.
8 All things are full of weariness;
    a man cannot utter it;
the eye is not satisfied with seeing,
    nor the ear filled with hearing.
9 What has been is what will be,
    and what has been done is what will be done,
    and there is nothing new under the sun.
10 Is there a thing of which it is said,
    “See, this is new”?
It has been already
    in the ages before us.
11 There is no remembrance of former things,[c]
    nor will there be any remembrance
of later things[d] yet to be
    among those who come after.

The way daft punk flipped the sample for one more time is still so crazy to me @NehhLmao

The Spitzkoppe is one of the most photographed mountain motifs of Namibia © Jaco Beukman (Photographer of the Year 2018 entrant) @africageo
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Sunset at the Okaukuejo waterhole, Etosha National Park © Annemarie du Plessis (Photographer of the Year 2018 entrant) @africageo
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Shape Serendipity Understand Stress Reignite Passion Bloomberg The Power of Pull.

Serendipity can be shaped. Being in the right place at the right time is not a new concept; the catchy little phrase has been with us since childhood. 

But is a fortuitous encounter that leads to a new business contract pure luck? Are some people luckier? Does luck last? We believe you can shape serendipity. This is a very counter-intuitive notion.

After all, most of us believe that serendipity is pure luck. How can you shape luck? While chance is an intrinsic element of serendipity, we believe that you can significantly alter the probability and quality of the unexpected encounters in our lives.

Three choices determine how we shape serendipity:

* Where we spend our time. People are spending more time in virtual environments, especially social network platforms, because they instinctively sense that these environments are often rich catalysts for serendipity. At the same time, people are making choices about where they spend their time in physical environments that also shape serendipity. 

While the world is getting flatter due to technology advances, people still move to large urban centers, frequent conferences, and participate in institutions which increase the likelihood of unexpected encounters with people relevant to their interests and needs.

* How we spend our time. These physical and virtual environments attract a large number of people. How do we stand out and get noticed so that we attract unexpected encounters?

* How we maximize the value of the unexpected encounter. If we are not prepared when the unexpected encounter finally occurs, it will not yield much value. Listening deeply, being attentive, and understanding what the other person is involved in prove invaluable in converting a chance meeting into a more valuable sustained relationship that keepson giving.


I think That is right.

Political Reflections
Law & Politics
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He who controls the media controls the minds of the public. Noam Chomsky
Law & Politics

22-JUN-2020 :: Whoever Controls The Narrative Controls The World
Law & Politics

Russian "political algorithm" had long predicted the volatility now seen in western democracies.

Algorithm control > Military power @oliviercantin

Algorithmic Master [Blaster] and Sun Tzu Maestro
Law & Politics

''The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting''

Who exactly is controlling the Console?
Law & Politics
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.@RonySeikaly - Rajeh Yittammar (Revolution Radio Mix)
Law & Politics
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Why Does the Pandemic Seem to Be Hitting Some Countries Harder Than Others? @NewYorker @DrSidMukherjee

Dharavi, in Mumbai, is Asia’s largest slum: a million residents live in shanties, some packed so closely together that they can hear their neighbors’ snores at night. 

When I visited it a few years ago, open drains were spilling water onto crowded lanes. (The next monsoon season, three young boys fell into the drains and died.) 

The tin roofs of the houses overlapped one another like fish scales; a roadside tap dripped a brown fluid that passed for potable water. 

When a toddler ran out from an open door onto the street, a neighbor caught him and lifted him up. 

Someone in the family—I counted six people in a single room, including an elderly couple—sent another child to retrieve him. 

In that episode alone, I later realized, I had witnessed at least nine one-on-one contacts.

After the pandemic was declared, last March, epidemiologists expected carnage in such areas. If the fatality rate from the “New York wave” of the pandemic were extrapolated, between three thousand and five thousand people would be expected to die in Dharavi. 

With Joshi’s help, Mumbai’s municipal government set up a field hospital with a couple of hundred beds, and doctors steeled themselves to working in shifts. 

Yet by mid-fall Dharavi had only a few hundred reported deaths—a tenth of what was expected—and the municipal government announced plans to pack up the field hospital there. By late December, reports of new deaths were infrequent.

I was struck by the contrast with my own hospital, in New York, where nurses and doctors were prepping I.C.U.s for a second wave of the pandemic. 

In Los Angeles, emergency rooms were filled with stretchers, the corridors crammed with patients straining to breathe, while ambulances carrying patients circled outside hospitals.

And there lies an epidemiological mystery. The usual trend of death from infectious diseases—malaria, typhoid, diphtheria, H.I.V.—follows a dismal pattern. 

Lower-income countries are hardest hit, with high-income countries the least affected. 

But if you look at the pattern of covid-19 deaths reported per capita—deaths, not infections—Belgium, Italy, Spain, the United States, and the United Kingdom are among the worst off. 

The reported death rate in India, which has 1.3 billion people and a rickety, ad-hoc public-health infrastructure, is roughly a tenth of what it is in the United States. 

In Nigeria, with a population of some two hundred million, the reported death rate is less than a hundredth of the U.S. rate

Rich countries, with sophisticated health-care systems, seem to have suffered the worst ravages of the infection. 

Death rates in poorer countries—particularly in South Asia and large swaths of sub-Saharan Africa—appear curiously low. (South Africa, which accounts for most of sub-Saharan Africa’s reported covid-19 deaths, is an important exception.)

As the pandemic engulfed the world during the past several months, I kept returning to the question of what might explain these discrepancies. It was an epidemiological whodunnit

Was the “demographic structure” of a population the real factor? Were the disparities exaggerated by undercounting, with shoddy reporting systems hiding the real toll from public-health analysts? 

Was government response a critical variable? Or were other, less obvious factors at play? Perhaps any analysis would prove premature. 

If new viral strains, such as the South African variant of the virus, known as 501Y.V2, were to sweep through Africa, every prediction of mortality might be overturned. 

But as I started speaking with colleagues from around the world I found that my puzzlement was widely shared. 

For many statisticians, virologists, and public-health experts, the regional disparities in covid-19 mortality represent the greatest conundrum of the pandemic.

“However you might think of it, the mystery remains,” Mushfiq Mobarak, an economist at Yale who has helped research covid-19 response strategies for developing nations, told me. 

“Tenfold differences, or one-hundredfold differences—these aren’t minor. You have to account for other factors. You can’t just wave the numbers off. It’s going to be a lesson for this pandemic and for every future pandemic.”

Mobarak, who grew up in Bangladesh (a hundred and sixty-three million people; eighty-three hundred reported covid-19 deaths, or 3.5 per cent of America’s, on a per-capita basis), studies populations and health. 

When I asked him about the puzzle, he began with what everyone accepts is the most potent variable for covid-19 severity: age. 

The median age in India is twenty-eight. In Spain and Italy, it’s forty-four and forty-seven, respectively.

 After the age of thirty, your chance of dying if you get covid-19 doubles roughly every eight years.

So, if we were building a predictive model, we’d want to go beyond crude numbers, like median age, and get a more detailed picture of the so-called population pyramid. What’s the proportion of people between seventy and eighty in Senegal versus Spain? 

How does the population pyramid of Pakistan compare with that of Italy? Even a carefully drawn pyramid can tell us only so much. 

Mexico has a median age similar to India’s; the percentage of the population that’s over sixty-five is within a point or two of India’s. Yet India’s reported rate of covid-19 deaths per capita is less than a tenth of Mexico’s.

So perhaps other populational features are significant. Take, for instance, the structure of an individual family and its living arrangements: who cohabitates with whom? 

Since the virus is often spread by close contact among family members—a grandchild infects a grandmother—we might want to know how often the elderly are found in multigenerational dwellings. 

As a rule, the higher a nation’s per-capita G.D.P., the smaller the household size of the elderly. 

In the United Kingdom, where the per-capita G.D.P. in 2019 was forty-two thousand dollars, the average household size is 2.3. In Benin, where the per-capita G.D.P. is twelve hundred dollars, the average household size is 5.2, and nearly a fifth of these households have at least one member above sixty-five.

Mobarak suspects that, in places like the United States, “the spatial distribution of the elderly” probably also matters. 

Around a third of the deaths in the United States have occurred among residents and staff of long-term nursing homes. 

How do you assess the relative risks of the “warehoused elderly” in the developed world and the “homebound elderly” in the developing world, where seventy- and eighty-year-olds often live with a handful of younger family members? 

Is the grandfather of the Orou family in Benin, sharing a home with children and grandchildren who go out and about in the city, more vulnerable than the Smith couple, seventy-five and eighty-two years old, who reside in an assisted-living facility in Long Island with dozens of other elderly people, attended to by a rotating crew of visiting nurses?

Ideally, we’d also take account of the average level of contact among individuals. 

In densely populated, highly social contexts—urban environments, with wet markets, shantytowns, or subways—that number is high; in rural environments, it tends to be low. The virus spreads more easily in crowded spaces.

The task, then, is to factor in both intrinsic vulnerabilities (such as age or obesity) and extrinsic vulnerabilities (the structures of households, the levels of interpersonal contact). 

And here you start to get a sense of the challenges that our medical mathematicians must contend with. 

There are trade-offs battling trade-offs: are the risks greater for a younger country with a larger family size but with infrequent social contacts or for an older country with a smaller family size but frequent contacts?

The epidemiologists with whom I spoke agreed that these variables were the important ones to factor in. 

Accordingly, amid the spring surge, researchers at Imperial College London enlisted these variables in building models of covid-19 mortality—with options for dialling up or down the level of interpersonal contact and viral contagiousness, and generating a range of possible outcomes.

The models didn’t always provide a time period when these deaths would occur; perhaps the worst is yet to come. 

Still, for rich countries, deaths predicted by the model weren’t far from what we’ve seen, or, anyway, what we can now reasonably extrapolate. (The pandemic is far from over.) 

The surprise emerged when looking at South Asia and most of sub-Saharan Africa. The model—which, it should be emphasized, took age differences into account—appeared to be off, in most cases, by a staggering margin

Pakistan, with a population of two hundred and twenty million, was predicted to have as many as six hundred and fifty thousand deaths; it has so far reported twelve thousand

Côte d’Ivoire was predicted to have as many as fifty-two thousand deaths; by mid-February, a year after the pandemic reached the continent, it had reported under two hundred.

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04- JAN-2021 :: What Will Happen In 2021
World Of Finance

The Viral Moment
World Of Finance

Why Does the Pandemic Seem to Be Hitting Some Countries Harder Than Others? @NewYorker @DrSidMukherjee [continued]

I called Abiola Fasina, an emergency-medicine physician in Lagos, Nigeria. In the early days of the pandemic, a prominent sponsor of public-health initiatives in Africa had envisaged “bodies out on the street” there. 

Between April and July, Fasina had run a field hospital and an isolation unit for covid-19 patients. 

At first, she told me, “we were seventy or ninety per cent full. When I walked through those wards, I remember that the patients were mostly asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic. But as the pandemic continued patients mostly remained mildly symptomatic. It’s all quite mild over here.”

I asked Fasina, who is also a health-policy expert, to look out her office window at the street life below. 

“You know, life goes on pretty normally,” she told me. “The markets are open. If you walk around the city, there are some people with masks and some without.” 

Watching a video of street life in Lagos, I had a similar impression. In December, 2020, as London entered another stringent lockdown, the storefronts on Lagos’s Nnamdi Azikiwe Street and Idumagbo Avenue were open. 

Carts shaded by brightly colored umbrellas were doing a brisk business. A woman carrying a basket on her head navigated gracefully past a man pushing a trolley full of gasoline cannisters.

A policeman pulled a motorist over—because he was unmasked? No, because he was smoking, and in Lagos State it’s against the law to smoke while driving. 

Meanwhile, dozens of maskless people pushed past one another through shoulder-to-shoulder pedestrian traffic.

“Lagos is many things, and it’s New York in Africa—activity on steroids,” Olajide Bello, a lawyer there, told me. “We practically all live cheek by jowl, with almost no green spaces.” 

The city, with fourteen million inhabitants, has returned to its usual chaos, Bello found. In late January, amid a new surge in covid-19 infections, a national mask mandate was enacted, but enforcement has been spotty, and so has compliance.

Nigeria was predicted to have between two hundred thousand and four hundred and eighteen thousand covid-19 deaths; the number reported in 2020 was under thirteen hundred

Ghana, with some thirty million residents, was predicted to see as many as seventy-five thousand deaths; the number reported in 2020 was a little more than three hundred

These numbers will grow as the pandemic continues. As was the case throughout much of sub-Saharan Africa, however, the statistical discrepancy was of two orders of magnitude: even amid the recent surge, the anticipated devastation still hasn’t quite arrived

The field hospital that Fasina had helped set up in Lagos was packed up and shut down.

Could the mortality gap be a mirage? Politicians may have an incentive to minimize the crisis (although the matter of incentives is complex: countries like Ghana and Nigeria sought and received billions of dollars in foreign assistance to help them combat the virus). 

At the same time, covid-19 can be stigmatized in poorer countries, and, as Mobarak pointed out, that stigma, which he’s seen in Bangladesh, “can lead to exclusion from economic life.” 

The fishmonger has cause to keep his infection covert. And it’s easy to imagine how such deaths might be underreported; a coroner’s report might classify a covid-19 death as “pneumonia” or “sepsis.”

Oliver Watson, an epidemiologist at Imperial College London, who helped build the models, had a strong argument that systemic underreporting was a factor

He cited the example of malaria: “Only one in four deaths from malaria are estimated to be detected globally—in some low-income settings, it can be one in twenty. And so a one-in-ten detection rate for covid-19, an illness that carries far greater stigma, might well easily explain some of the discrepancy.” 

Most of these undetected covid-19 deaths occur at home, and hospitals routinely record covid-19 deaths incorrectly.

Watson directed me to a study in Zambia, which recorded under four hundred covid-19 deaths in 2020. (The model had predicted between twenty thousand and thirty thousand there for the entirety of the pandemic.) 

In Zambia’s capital, Lusaka, researchers performed postmortem tests of three hundred and sixty-four people who had been assigned various causes of death, and found that the coronavirus was present in seventy, or almost one in five

Forty-four of the seventy had manifested symptoms suggestive of covid-19, including cough, fever, and shortness of breath, though only five had been tested for the virus while alive

The researchers carefully distinguished between “probable” and “possible” covid-19 deaths, drawing from often scant clinical records, but, whatever the exact numbers were, it was obvious that the official records drastically shortchanged the reality. 

Lawrence Mwananyanda, a physician and global-health expert who helped lead the study, believes that Zambia’s real death toll from covid-19 might be as much as ten times as high as the official one

Any notion that the pandemic has bypassed Africa is, as Christopher Gill, an infectious-disease specialist at Boston University and another leader of the study, puts it, “a myth born of poor or absent data.” Underreporting was plainly a serious issue.

The data problem could be worse in some countries, better in others. We’d expect that the amount of undercounting would vary from place to place because public-health resources vary, too. 

Westerners often think of sub-Saharan Africa as an undifferentiated landscape of underdevelopment, but that’s far from the case. Zambia’s per-capita G.D.P. is just sixty per cent of Ghana’s or Nigeria’s. Burkina Faso’s is sixty per cent of Zambia’s.

What to do when you can’t take coroners’ reports at face value, assuming that you even have a coroner’s report? 

Public-health experts have a saying: “It’s hard to hide bodies.” So a surge of deaths under any description—“all-cause mortality”—might help us glimpse the true dimension of the problem.

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Turning to Africa the Spinning Top

So far Africa has dodged the Virus from a medical perspective though it remains in my view a slow burning Fuse and we all know by now ''viruses exhibit non-linear and exponential characteristics'

The real challenge is the Economic Emergency.

Drinking The Kool Aid

Why Does the Pandemic Seem to Be Hitting Some Countries Harder Than Others? @NewYorker @DrSidMukherjee - continued]

What’s the story in India? I turned to Ajay Shah, a soft-spoken economist from New Delhi, who has performed a notably detailed analysis of deaths in India during the pandemic. 

Rather than relying on hospital data, Shah and his co-author, Renuka Sane, have used a longitudinal household survey, in which each household is assessed three times a year, to examine the number and the pattern of deaths. 

They found that the total number of “all cause” deaths reported between May and August almost doubled in India compared with the same period in each of the past five years.

“Is that because the number of covid deaths in the country has been vastly underestimated?” I asked.

“It’s impossible to have a decisive answer,” Shah told me. “But the pattern of the excess deaths doesn’t really shout out covid as the cause. It just doesn’t.” 

When his researchers analyzed the data by age, location, and gender, they found that excess deaths tended to be observed in younger cohorts, and in rural rather than in urban settings; nor was there evidence of the usual coronavirus skew toward greater lethality in men. 

“The telltale signatures of covid just aren’t there,” he said. He won’t venture any hypotheses about the cause of the excess deaths. 

But among the possible candidates are indirect consequences of the pandemic: wage loss, displacement, malnourishment, forced migration, and disruptions in health care—the skipped clinic visit for malaria, diabetes, TB, or hypertension. 

According to World Health Organization analyses, disruptions in medical care and prevention programs related to malaria, TB, and H.I.V. will have cost many more lives in sub-Saharan Africa in the past year than the coronavirus. 

In poorer regions, especially, infection isn’t the only way that the pandemic can cost lives.

What if the storm simply hasn’t yet arrived in the countries reporting oddly low death rates from covid-19? Patrick Walker, another Imperial College epidemiologist and modeller, cautioned, 

“There’s a time element that has not been built into the model. There have been waves after the first wave, and we still don’t know how many deaths each wave might carry.” 

It’s certainly true that, in much of the Global South, reported covid-19 deaths have risen substantially this season. To what extent have low-mortality regions simply avoided exposure to the pandemic?

In July and August, the health economist Manoj Mohanan and a team of researchers set out to estimate the number of people who had been infected with the new coronavirus in Karnataka, a state of sixty-four million people in southwest India. 

Random sampling revealed that seroprevalence—the rate of individuals who test positive for antibodies—was around forty-five per cent, indicating that nearly half the population had been infected at some point

Findings from a government survey last year showed that thirteen per cent of the population was actively infected in September. 

A large-scale survey in New Delhi, according to a recent government report, found a seroprevalence level of fifty-six per cent, suggesting that about ten million of its residents had been infected.

It’s difficult to get seroprevalence numbers for Nigeria, say, but it’s far from a secluded enclave; in 2019, it had an estimated twelve thousand Chinese workers, and, in a typical year, millions of people fly in and out of the country and within it. 

“Oh, there is probably a lot of endemic covid transmission going on over here,” Fasina, in Lagos, told me. “But we are just not seeing the extreme severity.” 

(Most African deaths, the W.H.O. finds, are associated with such risk factors as hypertension and Type 2 diabetes.) 

In Niger State, which is the largest in Nigeria and is situated in the middle of the country, a seroprevalence study conducted in June found an infection rate of twenty-five per cent, comparable to the worst-hit areas in the United States

Fasina expects that the rate in Lagos and its surroundings will be higher. Nearly a year after Nigeria confirmed its first infections from the new coronavirus, Niger State has reported fewer than twenty deaths. 

The country’s numbers are climbing—but they’ll need to grow exponentially in order to catch up with the models.

Some epidemiologists argue that an accurate account of geographical disparities must give due weight to another extrinsic factor: certain governments have responded more effectively to the crisis than others. 

Bethany Hedt, a statistician at Harvard Medical School, has worked in Rwanda for the past decade. She noted that in 2020 the low-income country reported only a hundred-some deaths from covid-19, out of a population of thirteen million. 

“It’s clear to me, at least,” she said, “that it’s because the government had very clear and decisive control measures.” She went on, 

“When news of covid hit, they imposed a strict curfew, and the Rwandan population really listened. There was limited travel outside the home without documentation. The police would stop you and check. Schools were closed. There were no weddings or funerals. And then, as the numbers decreased, the government played a very good game of whack-a-mole. They have a really strong data center, and anywhere they see an outbreak they do strict control at the local level.”

Mohanan, the health economist who led the Karnataka study, agreed that, in some places, “decisive government action led to suppression of the pandemic.” 

In Dharavi, health-care workers rightly take pride in their heroic efforts to track, trace, and contain infection. 

But the vigorous implementation of public-health measures was far from the norm in much of Africa and the Indian subcontinent. 

“If anything, India’s response is a textbook case of what not to do in a pandemic—overly aggressive policy responses combined with communication strategies that undermined the importance of public-health prevention,” Mohanan argued.

But what to make of the much discussed reports about how everyone in India started to wear masks this fall? 

My colleagues in India were doubtful about the reported level of compliance; they also noted that the recorded incidence of covid-19 deaths in the country was creeping down almost as gradually as it had crept up, which didn’t signal an abrupt change in behavior. 

My mother (who is under strict instructions to wear a mask and maintain social distance) routinely sends me pictures of gatherings in Delhi with dozens of maskless minglers.

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Why Does the Pandemic Seem to Be Hitting Some Countries Harder Than Others? @NewYorker @DrSidMukherjee : continued

Government actions in Ghana may have been better than in some of its neighbors, but mask-wearing in crowded urban centers remains intermittent. 

I was told of a bill-payment center in Accra, Ghana’s capital, that, early in the pandemic, had mandated masks for entry. 

There weren’t a lot of masks around, so the bill payers who had queued up took to wearing a mask to enter the building, and then handed their (used) mask to the next person in line when they exited, treating the mask mandate like the dress code at New York’s Metropolitan Club—you put a “loaner” necktie on to get in, and hand it back for the next person to use when you leave. 

Yet New York City’s official covid-19 death toll in December was almost three times as high as Ghana’s for all of 2020.

Other researchers are exploring whether acquired differences in human immunology might play a role. 

Acquired, or adaptive, immunity involves two principal kinds of cells: B cells make antibodies against pathogens, and T cells hunt for cells infected by a pathogen. 

B cells can be imagined as sharpshooters that target a virus with well-aimed bullets, while T cells are gumshoe detectives that go door to door, seeking viruses that are hidden inside cells.

Both B cells and T cells have an unusual capacity: after generating an immune response, some of them may become long-lived passengers in our blood, and carry the “memory” of an already encountered pathogen

These so-called memory cells are triggered when the pathogen reappears, and they can swiftly raise forces to fight it.

At the La Jolla Institute for Immunology, in California, researchers led by Shane Crotty and Alessandro Sette were studying the B- and T-cell responses to the coronavirus through samples of human blood plasma. 

To quantify the level of immunological activity against the virus, Crotty and Sette wanted a “negative control”—that is, samples of plasma that were collected before the pandemic.

But there was a peculiarity in the data: in more than forty per cent of pre-pandemic samples, the researchers found evidence that the new coronavirus was somehow triggering a T-cell response

These T cells were acting as if they’d recognized a virus they had assuredly never before encountered.

Sette, who was born in Italy, wears blue-rimmed spectacles, and rides his motorcycle to the lab where he works. 

“A negative control is supposed to be negative,” he told me, stabbing his finger in the air. “We were totally surprised.” 

He lifted his hands emphatically and waved them around, his ash-gray sweater stretching over his torso. 

“But the cross-reactivity is always there. We’ve repeated it. Other labs have confirmed the data. The number varies by geography and by the population—twenty per cent, forty per cent—but it’s always there.”

Why is that? Part of the answer may have to do with how T cells recognize pathogens. It’s natural to think of our memory T cells as brandishing a criminal’s mug shot

But what they “remember” is more like the curve of a nostril, the shape of an ear—distinctive snippets of a larger protein picture. 

Now, suppose a former intruder’s much worse cousin shows up; it’s a fresh face, but it shares a family trait—maybe those batwing ears—that could alert at least some of the memory T cells. 

Could the novel coronavirus share such traits with previously circulating pathogens?

He told me about an island in Italy, Isola del Giglio, that, he thought, might have been swept by a respiratory infection a few years ago. 

“But, when covid-19 came and swept through Italy, the Giglio islanders were all spared,” Sette said

“It may just be a story, but it makes you wonder whether one infection might protect you from another, perhaps via cross-reactive T cells.”

Ben McFarland, a structural immunologist at Seattle Pacific University, had some thoughts about the possible origins of cross-reactive T cells. 

Last spring, McFarland assigned his undergraduate students a project. 

“The university was under lockdown, so I had to think of something that the students could complete in their kitchens with the simplest of computer tools,” he recalled. 

“And I thought, Why not line up the sequences of all the proteins from the different coronaviruses—both from the ones that cause common colds and from sars-CoV-2—and look for fragments that they might share?”

It was akin to putting a bunch of closely related criminals in a lineup—some relatively harmless, some murderous—and asking the students to find closely matching features: a distinctive chin cleft or ear shape. 

The results were suggestive. “The students found a number of peptides”—the building blocks of a protein—“that could possibly induce T-cell cross-reactivity,” McFarland told me. 

That novel coronavirus wasn’t entirely novel. Even if the T-cell reaction wasn’t strong enough to prevent an infection, he wondered whether it might diminish the severity of the disease.

Although the La Jolla researchers saw T cells in pre-pandemic blood samples which reacted to sars-CoV-2, they didn’t find antibodies that did so. 

This wasn’t so surprising: they were looking only for a certain type of antibody, the “neutralizing” type that binds to a particular area of the spike protein. 

And, where T cells are guided by the equivalent of a flat snippet of a picture, antibodies typically attend to the full three-dimensional structure of a protein fragment. 

The antibodies are therefore more discriminating, less likely to fire in error—to be triggered by a criminal cousin.

Neither bench-lab work nor computer analyses, to be sure, tell us what happens with actual human beings. 

But researchers at Boston University tried to explore the hypothesis that prior common-cold coronavirus infections might affect the severity of covid-19 by looking at patient outcomes. 

They identified a group of people who were found to have had any of four relatively harmless coronavirus variants—collectively termed eCoV—between May, 2015, and mid-March, 2020. 

When the tsunami of covid-19 reached Boston, some of these people began to get infected with sars-CoV-2. 

The researchers then compared the disease trajectory in eCoV-positive patients with that in a group of eCoV-negative ones. 

Among patients known to have had eCoV infections, there were lower rates of mechanical ventilation, fewer I.C.U. admissions, and significantly fewer deaths.

Unfortunately, the sample size was small in the Boston study; all the correlations could be accounted for by some as yet unidentified variable. 

A chastening recent study by a group of Philadelphia researchers didn’t find that the presence of common-cold coronavirus antibodies correlated with clinical benefits. 

Cross-reactivity was seen, but not the kind that helped prevent or control infection. 

Meanwhile, German researchers have identified a surprising group of unrelated pathogens that share protein snippets—targets for antibodies and T cells—with the new coronavirus.

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Why Does the Pandemic Seem to Be Hitting Some Countries Harder Than Others? @NewYorker @DrSidMukherjee cont.

If it turns out that certain previously circulating pathogens can indeed induce a helpful level of immunity, then the specific geography of their reach—possibly in Lagos and not in Los Angeles—could show up in geographical disparities in death rates during the current pandemic. 

Shashank Joshi is among those who are inclined to credit the prior-immunity hypothesis, albeit tentatively. 

He told me that, in Mumbai, “there are plenty of infected older people living in crowded circumstances, such that we’d expect many hundreds or even thousands of deaths. But that’s nowhere close to what happened.” 

He made another observation: “In India, we’ve found that most people had really high levels of antibodies after an infection, and the levels don’t decay, even among the older people. They stay on for a long period.”

It reminded me of people who, having experienced chronic trauma, react to even the faintest trigger. Joshi was reluctant to speculate further about differences in immune reservoirs among populations: 

“It could be T cells, or it could be some other aspect of the immune response. But we are definitely seeing signs of it in India.”

It’s tempting to think that Mr. Ganguly was one of those immunologically primed people, susceptible to infection but somewhat protected from the virus’s worst effects. Maybe he was. Yet the prior-immunity hypothesis presents puzzles of its own. 

Why would some particularly protective viral strain, or strains, have reached South Asia, but not Latin America? 

Why Nigeria, but not South Africa, where the pandemic’s death toll is so much higher than elsewhere in sub-Saharan Africa? 

Maybe there have been complex interactions between the intrinsic and the extrinsic.

Once you enter the zone of the plausible but unproven, other theories arise. Some researchers wonder whether the disparities are, in effect, dose-related. 

“I think one possible factor driving low deaths in India could be the low viral loads,” Mohanan ventured. 

He and his lab-testing partners had found unusually low virus levels in infected patients. 

He went on, “One possible explanation for low viral loads is the open-air ventilation, which is more common in warmer parts of the world. This ‘low-dose exposure’ hypothesis is also consistent with the huge share of asymptomatic infections we’ve seen in India.”

Just as epidemiology calls for a truly detailed sense of a population’s demographic structure, it might benefit, too, from a more intimate understanding of a population’s immunological and socio-ecological profile.

William of Ockham was a fourteenth-century theologian who was educated at Oxford and wrote on a range of topics, from logic to theories of knowledge. 

But if his name is remembered today it’s because of “Ockham’s razor”: the idea that, when seeking the cause of an event, we should favor the most parsimonious solution—the simplest one

Centuries before Ockham, and centuries after him, a host of thinkers argued for shaving away extraneous hypotheses to arrive at a straightforward and singular explanation for whatever they were puzzling over. 

It’s among the strange ironies of intellectual history that if you ask “Who thought of Ockham’s razor?” you’ll wind up with not one but a plurality of answers.

The principle of parsimony has a special premium in the realm of science. We worship an elegant universe; we don’t need to invoke multiple causes for why the planets move in geometrical orbits. 

Natural selection explains why the bones of human fingers look like those of a gorilla, just as it explains why new viral variants that have higher degrees of infectiousness can arise in the midst of a pandemic. 

Delving into mysteries, scientists are compelled by the logic of the classic mystery tale: one murder, one murderer, one weapon. 

In the pages of Agatha Christie, Hercule Poirot might unveil the solution with the flourish of a magician, and Miss Marple might murmur it into her pilled cardigan, but we finish such stories with a satisfying sense that all loose ends have been tied up, all oddities neatly accounted for.

Yet parsimony has its own perils, and the work that best helps me remember those perils, as it happens, isn’t some meditation on the scientific method; it’s Christie’s “Murder on the Orient Express.” 

A man has been found murdered on the train, his body perforated by multiple stab wounds. 

Poirot, on the train by happenstance, sets out to determine which of the passengers was the culprit. 

But the usual process of elimination fails him. Eventually, Poirot realizes that the murder is a long-planned act of collective revenge. There wasn’t one murderer; there was a plurality of murderers.

What researchers have described to me as the pandemic’s most perplexing feature may turn out to be the epidemiological version of that mystery on the Orient Express: there’s no one culprit but many. 

With respect to the raw numbers, underreporting is an enormous problem; differences in age distribution, too, make a very deep cut, and perhaps the models must further calibrate their weightings here. 

Plainly, certain countries have benefitted from the strength of their public-health systems, fortified by a vigorous government response. (Our country has suffered grievously from corresponding weaknesses.) 

In New Zealand, raising the drawbridges and stringently enforcing quarantines made all the difference. 

But to come to grips with the larger global pattern we have to look at a great many contributing factors—some cutting deeper than others, but all deserving attention.

The covid-19 pandemic will teach us many lessons—about virological surveillance, immunology, vaccine development, and social policy, among other topics. 

One of the lessons concerns not just epidemiology but also epistemology: the theory of how we know what we know. 

Epidemiology isn’t physics. Human bodies are not Newtonian bodies. When it comes to a crisis that combines social and biological forces, we’ll do well to acknowledge the causal patchwork. What’s needed isn’t Ockham’s razor but Ockham’s quilt.

Above all, what’s needed is humility in the face of an intricately evolving body of evidence. The pandemic could well drift or shift into something that defies our best efforts to model and characterize it. 

As Patrick Walker, of Imperial College London, stressed, “New strains will change the numbers and infectiousness even further.” That quilt itself may change its shape.

Today, in Britain, the National Health Service, like many of its patients, is fighting for its life, overwhelmed by a new influx of covid-19 patients, many of whom have the highly contagious B.1.1.7 strain. 

In Nigeria, the reported per-capita mortality rate remains low by Western standards, but people remember that the President’s chief of staff—a father of four—succumbed to covid-19, and watch as the nation’s health-care system continues to fray. 

Many officials are seeing a second wave decidedly worse than the first, as both the highly transmissible British variant and the South African one have started to crop up across the continent. 

Ghana recently suspended its parliament after an outbreak among members and staff. 

Throughout western, central, and eastern Africa, health officials hope that the mortality rates will stay relatively low, but know better than to assume that they will.

Dr. Joshi is still shuttling between hospitals and clinics in Mumbai, although, with a substantial proportion of the local population having already been infected, he expects that new cases will keep declining. 

In Kolkata, Mr. Ganguly has fully recovered. He plans to go to the fish market this week. ♦

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Global cases on the turn as R continues to approach 1.0. @video4me

They fancied themselves free, wrote Camus, ―and no one will ever be free so long as there are pestilences.

Simulation (et non prédiction) : R(#COVID) : 1.05 -> 0.8 R(Variant #UK) : 1.5 -> 1.2 R(Variant #SAfrica) : 1.6 -> 1.2 R(Variant #Brazil) : 1.8 -> 1.3 @oli3be

If you have a "normal" pandemic that is fading, but a "British variant" that is surging, the combined total can look like a flat, manageable situation. @spignal
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Top 10 countries total COVID-19 deaths. @jmlukens

#US: 500.3k

#Brazil: 247.1k

#Mexico: 180.5k

#India: 156.5k

#UK: 121.0k

#Italy: 96.0k

#France: 84.8k

#Russia: 82.3k

#Germany: 68.4k

#Spain: 67.6k

International Markets
World Of Finance
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The worst and best currencies vs the US Dollar Year-to-date @dlacalle_IA
World Currencies

Currency Markets at a Glance WSJ
World Currencies

Euro 1.2154

Dollar Index 90.037

Japan Yen 105.50

Swiss Franc 0.9060

Pound 1.4177

Aussie 0.7922

India Rupee 72.367

South Korea Won 1111.40

Brazil Real 5.4413

Egypt Pound 15.691

South Africa Rand 14.55

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Dollar Index Chart INO 90.047
World Currencies
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Euro versus the Dollar Chart @FXPIPTITAN 1.2155
World Currencies

$GBPUSD 1hr Chart @FXPIPTITAN 1.4178
World Currencies

These swings are kryptonite for institutional investment. It’s a vol story rather than a price story @PriapusIQ
World Currencies

$BTC Let see if this chart will play or not [I expect a Test of at least 42,000] @renevoil
World Currencies

"Wow! What a Ride!"
World Currencies

“But it is a curve each of them feels, unmistakably.It is the parabola. They must have guessed, once or twice -guessed and refused to believe- that everything, always, collectively, had been moving toward that purified shape latent in the sky, that shape of no surprise, no second chance, no return.’’

Or as T.S Eliot said in The Hollow Men 

Between the idea

And the reality

Between the motion

And the act

Falls the Shadow

For Thine is the Kingdom.

“Bitfinex and Tether recklessly and unlawfully covered-up massive financial losses to keep their scheme going and protect their bottom lines,” said Attorney General James.
World Currencies

“Tether’s claims that its virtual currency was fully backed by U.S. dollars at all times was a lie. These companies obscured the true risk investors faced and were operated by unlicensed and unregulated individuals and entities dealing in the darkest corners of the financial system'' 

Bitfinex and Tether Deceived Clients and Market by Overstating Reserves, Hiding Approximately $850 Million in Losses Around the Globe 

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University of Texas at Austin Study All But Confirms Tether Is Manipulating Bitcoin @UTSA
World Currencies

Large negative returns before the flows but are followed by  large return reversals

If you were waiting for a dip to buy on Tesla, is this now it? @DavidInglesTV
World Of Finance

Mr. Musk can pump and dump just about anything with a tweet. he has superpowers.[until he doesn't]
World Of Finance

#Tesla and #Bitcoin are increasingly tied together. Both securities entered a bear mkt, plunging >20% from ATH. @Schuldensuehner
World Of Finance

The hardest thing at the peak is to be the naysayer the short seller.
World Of Finance

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Commodity Markets at a Glance WSJ
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Gold INO 1807.50
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Crude Oil Chart INO 61.46
Minerals, Oil & Energy
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Ahmed Zaki Yamani, Who Helped Lead 1973 Oil Embargo, Dies at 90 @business

Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani, the former Saudi Arabian energy minister who helped direct the 1973 oil embargo and was later kidnapped by Carlos the Jackal, has died. He was 90.

He passed away in London and will be buried in Islam’s holiest city of Mecca, state-run Ekhbariya TV reported.

Yamani, with counterparts in other Arab oil exporters and Iran, managed a series of production cuts in 1973 and halted supplies to the U.S. and other countries. 

The embargo, which caused an international crisis after oil prices spiked, was a response to Washington’s support for Israel in the Yom Kippur war against Egypt and Syria. 

It coincided with successful efforts by petrostates to wrest control of pricing power from international oil companies.

Yamani was removed from his post in 1986, by which time crude prices had dropped to record lows. 

He had held the position for 24 years, making him the longest-serving oil minister in OPEC.

He was also famous for comments that now look prescient as oil producers contemplate the transition to cleaner energies. 

“The Stone Age didn’t end for lack of stone, and the Oil Age will end long before the world runs out of oil,” he said.

Realizing that charging too much for crude could dislodge it as the world’s main source of fuel, Yamani sought to balance Saudi Arabia’s desire for steady income with pressure from nations such as Libya and Venezuela to ratchet up prices.

As of February 2021, oil is still in abundant supply and Saudi Arabia is the world’s largest exporter. 

But governments and companies are ramping up investments in cleaner energies such as solar, wind and hydrogen to prevent global warming. 

BP Plc said last year that demand for oil may have already peaked.

Yamani represented four Saudi kings at the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. 

During the 1970s, the group’s members tightened their hold over domestic resources and increased their take of profit from crude sales at the expense of foreign companies, most of them American and European, that had developed the assets.

“The 1970s were the years of real progress,” Alirio Parra, Venezuela’s oil minister in the early 1990s and who died in 2018, said. 

“That was the period when OPEC and the producing countries gained control over the industry. We have to give credit, where credit is due, to one man -- Ahmed Zaki Yamani.”

On Dec. 21, 1975, Yamani was among the 11 OPEC ministers taken hostage in Vienna, where the cartel is based, by Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, the Venezuelan terrorist better known as Carlos the Jackal.

“Carlos and me, we were talking, joking and so on,” Yamani told Al Jazeera television in 2013. “I mean, he was very kind to me, but he told me he was going to kill me.”

Yamani and Jamshid Amouzegar, his Iranian counterpart, were the last hostages to be released in Algiers, Algeria, where they’d been flown.

Back home, Yamani oversaw the nationalization of what was to become the state oil company Saudi Aramco. 

U.S. firms had been running production in the kingdom since Standard Oil of California signed the first concession in May 1933. 

The Saudi government bought 25% of the local company in 1972 and increased its holding to 60% the next year. It took total control of Saudi Aramco in 1980.

Aramco’s now listed on the Riyadh stock exchange and has the largest market capitalization of any firm, bar Apple Inc.

By the 1980s, OPEC’s policies had helped push major oil importers such as the U.S. and Europe to become more energy-efficient and to search for new sources of hydrocarbons.

“I was against increasing the price of oil, and they attacked me for that,” Yamani told Al Jazeera, referring to other OPEC members. 

“When you raise the price of oil, you enable the oil companies to use the extra money to explore for oil, and this is what happened in the North Sea, in Mexico and elsewhere. So the level of production outside OPEC took place, competing with the price of OPEC.”

After completing his tenure, Yamani founded the London-based Centre for Global Energy Studies, which provided analysis and consulting services for around 25 years from 1990.

Born on June 30, 1930 in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, Yamani attended both secular and Islamic schools. 

He graduated from Cairo’s King Fuad I University in 1951 before earning two master’s degrees in law, one from New York University in 1955 and another from Harvard University in 1956.

Returning to Saudi Arabia, he founded the country’s first law firm and worked as a legal adviser to the kingdom on taxes as well as oil and minerals. 

He became oil minister in 1962. The following year, he set up the University of Petroleum and Minerals in the eastern city of Dhahran.

Later in life, Yamani established foundations for the preservation and publication of old Arabic and Islamic manuscripts.

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08-MAY-2017 :: The OPEC "Go-Go" days of Sheikh Yamani, his prayer beads and delphic pronouncements belong to yesteryear
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28-NOV-2016 :: Who can forget the glory days of OPEC when the gnome like Sheikh Yamani, prayer beads in hand, would hold the global economy in his thrall

Who can forget the glory days of OPEC when the gnome like Sheikh Yamani, prayer beads in hand, would hold the global economy in his thrall with his every often cryptic pronouncements.

Those were the glory go-go days which were in fact repeated 2010-2014 before the big crash which has seen Riyadh, Caracas, Luanda, Abuja all enter a tail-spin.

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It is a filthy, foul-smelling liquid that squirts obligingly up into the air and falls back to earth as a rustling shower of money.
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Sub Saharan Africa
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There is something Karmic in this #COVID19
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Summary of Active COVID-19 Cases in Africa 344,028 @BeautifyData

-33.84% below 520,000 record high from January 2021 

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Active #Covid19 cases record 520,000 was in January 2021 @NKCAfrica

Drinking the Kool-Aid #COVID19

Africa is currently reporting a million new infections about every 49 days and has reported more than 3,877,000 since the pandemic began. @ReutersGraphics

Somalia & Togo at Peak, South Sudan 94% Cameroon 93%, Re Union 92% 

We all know by now ''viruses exhibit non-linear and exponential characteristics'

La variante sudafricana del COVID-19 entra en Castilla y León por #Valladolid Detectada en dos cooperantes de una ONG a su regreso desde Tanzania @ValladolidCOPE

"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." - Professor Allen Bartlett

The effective reproduction number SARS-CoV-2 in South Africa is still at 0.8. @lrossouw

Merkel pronounced “You cannot fight the pandemic with lies and disinformation...the limits of Populism are being laid bare.”

Here is the video sir. And this guy is a medical doctor, apparently. He went further to hold... wait for it... STRESS, again, responsible for HIV. Incomprehensibly crazy stuff, sir! @Chahali

In Uganda members of President @KagutaMuseveni inner circle were offered vaccines. the vaccines were from China state-owned drugmaker Sinopharm @WSJ
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Rulers who are only concerned with the well-being of their “inner circle and their parties” are an incurable “disease”.

“What do they mean by inner circle? It is not true, from the best of my knowledge, people in Uganda have not received the vaccine, at least not yet,” Mr Wanyama told @DailyMonitor
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States with such rulers can get “seized by senility and the chronic disease from which [they] can hardly ever rid [themselves], for which [they] can find no cure”

Ibn Khaldun explained the intrinsic relationship between political leadership and the management of pandemics in the pre-colonial period in his book Muqaddimah 

Historically, such pandemics had the capacity to overtake “the dynasties at the time of their senility, when they had reached the limit of their duration” and, in the process, challenged their “power and curtailed their [rulers’] influence...” 

Rulers who are only concerned with the well-being of their “inner circle and their parties” are an incurable “disease”. 

States with such rulers can get “seized by senility and the chronic disease from which [they] can hardly ever rid [themselves], for which [they] can find no cure”

Received 4 videos (unconfirmed source) which appear to be from the moment after the kidnapping. Landmark is correct (three cell towers). @kambale

People in video are saying that the kidnappers are removing uniforms. This was not a simple kidnapping. #LucaAttanasio

V.S. Naipaul, in A Bend in the River wrote “It isn’t that there’s no right and wrong here. There’s no right.”

“You have come to the situation which is militarily and human rights-wise, humanitarian-wise very out of control,” Finland’s Foreign Minister Pekka @Haavisto @AJENews

“This operation has lasted more than three months, and we do not see the end,” Haavisto said.

Haavisto, who met Abiy during his visit to Addis Ababa this month as part of a fact-finding mission, said Ethiopia’s leadership had failed to provide a “clear picture” of the situation in Tigray – including the widely documented involvement of forces from neighbouring Eritrea.

“The question of Eritrean troops is extremely sensitive, so we don’t get the clear answer about the whereabouts or magnitude of the Eritrean troops,” he said.

Haavisto repeated urgent calls from the international community for the Ethiopian government to grant full humanitarian access to Tigray, including areas beyond its control.

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@PMEthiopia has launched an unwinnable War on Tigray Province.
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Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer
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The question now is whether the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front can sustain a prolonged guerrilla war @TheEconomist

Or alternatively @TheEconomist whether @PMEthiopia can sustain an occupation given that one suspects there are equally restive regions

The fugitive leader of Ethiopia’s defiant Tigray region on Monday called on Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed to “stop the madness” and withdraw troops

The fight is about self-determination of the region of around 6 million people, the Tigray leader said, and it “will continue until the invaders are out.” 

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Ethiopia: IMF projects growth 2% in 2020/21 due to the pandemic and is expected to rebound to 8.7% in 2021/22 @Habesh_

Ethiopia which was once the Poster child of the African Renaissance
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South Africa’s #unemployment rate increased by 1,7 percentage points to 32,5% in Q4:2020 compared to Q3:2020. @StatsSA

South Africa All Share Bloomberg
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Dollar versus Rand Chart INO 14.56
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Egypt Pound versus The Dollar Chart INO 15.6873
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Egypt EGX30 Bloomberg
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Economic growth surprises to the upside in #Nigeria, expanding by 9.7% q-o-q in 2020 Q4. @NKCAfrica

For 2020, accommodation (-17.8%), transport (-22.3%) and education (-13.6%) felt the brunt of the pandemic; telecoms (+15.9%) and financial services (+9.4%) flourished

Nigeria All Share Bloomberg
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Ghana Stock Exchange Composite Index Bloomberg
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Kenya is battling some of the worst locust plagues in decades @Reuters

March 2020 Debt, virus and locusts create a perfect storm for Africa @TheAfricaReport
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'We are trying to create hope in a hopeless situation, and help these communities alter their perspective to see these insects as a seasonal crop that can be harvested and sold for money,' said Laura Stanford, founder of The Bug Picture @Reuters

Carbacid reports HY 2020 Earnings

Par Value:                  5/-

Closing Price:           11.95

Total Shares Issued:          254851988.00

Market Capitalization:        3,045,481,257

EPS:             1.27

PE:                 9.409


Carbacid reports HY Earnings through 31st January 2021 

HY Revenue 449.652m versus 352.912m +27%

HY Operating Profit 177.86m versus 138.716m

HY Finance Income 97.153m versus 92.750m

HY Profit before Taxation 276.710m versus 232.585m

HY Profit after Tax 201.415m versus 178.688m

HY EPS 0.83 versus 0.70

Balance 104.380m versus 663.808m


HY EPS +18.571% but sequentially versus preceding six months -34.64%

HY Turnover +27% but sequentially versus preceding six months -34.153% 

Kenya Shilling versus The Dollar Live ForexPros 109.75
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Nairobi All Share Bloomberg
N.S.E General
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Nairobi ^NSE20 Bloomberg
N.S.E General
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Every Listed Share Can Be Interrogated Here
N.S.E General
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by Aly Khan Satchu (rich.co.ke)
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